Low Potassium Levels

erinkate82 Posts: 53
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
For the past few months I have been experiencing charlie-horses and cramping in my feet. This happens mostly at night, almost as soon as I get in bed and start to relax. I started taking daily potassium supplements but that didn't seem to help so I started eating a banana every morning in addition to the potassuim tabs.

I decided to go see my Dr. and he thought I suffered from plantar fasciitis but I didn't respond normally to his tests so he ruled that out, suggesting I needed more arche support in my shoes. To be safe they ran some blood tests and found that my potassium levels are low, even with taking daily potassium supplements and eating a banana every mornning - any ideas on how to increase my potassium intake??


  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I had this problem last year and I won't be surprised if when I see the doc later this month for my annual physical that I still have low potassium. Try googling high potassium foods--it will give you a big list. I don't want to suggest any of them in particular because I don't know what kind of eating plan you are on or if there are certain foods you are trying to stay away from or just don't like. I'm tracking potassium on my food diary and I was surprised at how many veggies have lots of it.

    Good luck.
  • Dried Apricots are a excellent source of Potassium
  • tamarab3
    tamarab3 Posts: 64
    I have been looking at foods that have more potassium. I've been trying to eat more potatoes, prunes, and pears. Also, Yoplait Ligth yogurt has a good bit of potassium as does milk. I know there are others, but these were the earsiest for me to add to my diet.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member

    Things You'll Need:

    * Potatoes
    * Milk and dairy foods
    * Fruits
    * Leafy green vegetables
    * Beans
    * Meats and fish
    * Almonds

    Watch your intake of sugar, alcohol and coffee which deplete potassium in the body.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I have low potassium quite often from being on lasix (a prescription water pill). I take a supplement and also drink orange juice and V8....they are both loaded with potassium. I can't eat bananas because of a latex allergy.
  • kittyb1
    kittyb1 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi there...

    Potassium and Sodium are agnostic of one another.....if one is to low the other is probably to high. Try to decrease your salt intake and great sources of Potassium through food are : green leafy veg, bananas, grapefruit & tomato juice, milk, nuts and lean meats. But....when you boil veg you lose the potassium so better to bake, broil or lightly steam.
    Dietitians recommend 3,500mg of P daily, and make sure that your vit D and calcium also work synergistically with P so make sure that you are getting enough of these.
    What did your dr recommend?
    Good luck....leg cramps really are not fun.
  • woodcarver
    woodcarver Posts: 1 Member
    I deal with this periodically and go on line and get a list of foods really high in potassium. White potatoes with skins - asparagus and many others. Banana's are good but make sure you have more fruits and veges in your diet.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    V8 is a really good source of potassium. So is skim milk. So if you're having trouble getting it from your foods, try drinking a cup of milk and a cup of V8 every day.
  • Thanks for all the great advice! I just started taking my prescribed potassium tabs last night - I hope by adding some of the potassium rich foods/beverages you all mentioned will help get my levels back where they should be!

    Thanks again!!
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