


  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Get over yourself hippies, it's time to evolve.

    The less chemicals I ingest, the better I am and the better I feel. Yay for hippies!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Im sure if you are breathing you are inhailing all sorts of bad things...good luck on not breathing

    For me? I feel great and am very happy not to ingest tons of sugar and just use a small packet Equal once in awhile.

  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    You don't have to justify it to me homegirl!

    The key phrase you used is "once in a while".

    I know people who drink probably 5 cans of diet soda a day. I think that's a bit much.

    I actually live in rural area that's not very'm probably better off breathing than most.

    I also live on a hippie commune :)
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Im not tryin to hate. I just don't like it much when people push their beliefs on anyone....that doesn't just have to do with food. I'm totally open minded and until someone says the "cause of death" is due to using equal on their cereal, I'm not buying it. People die from all sorts of things and I'm kinda sick of people freaking out about every little tiny thing.