Lost 2.5 lb on vacation?!?

I went on vacation last weekend to Miami, and I went ahead and figured I'd toss the diet because it was only 3 days and I wanted to celebrate what I'd achieved thus far. I was prepared to have not lost any weight (even though I didn't miss work outs and I ate properly every other day) or maybe even gain a couple of pounds. However, upon weighing myself this morning--I weigh myself every Wed-- I found that I've lost 2.5 lb this week. Do you think this is a product of the "shaking up your metabolism" thing people keep talking about? I mean, I ate 2 meals per day there.. but they were HORRIBLE and HUGE and then I drank too. Could this possibly be a healthy boost or was it just a fluke? And if it IS good to shake up your eating like that every once in a while, how often is "every once in a while"? I have "cheated" on a meal every once in a while during my time on here, but usually I try to stay within 300 calories or so of my allotted 1200, even if I had a burger. I just don't want to risk blowing it off too much and gaining weight. Suggestions or comments?


  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I am a firm believer of shaking things up once ina a while. For me that once in a while is when I see a plateau or a significant slow in weight loss over a couple of weeks. I think it is good to keep our body guessing at what we are going to do next. I think it is good to shake up your exercise routines too!