Alcohol challenge

Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
I am trying to stop drinking alcohol until I get to my goal weight and then incorporate it into my diet without packing on the pounds. The last time I had alcohol was this Sunday (3/6) and I had two ginger ales with scotch and a cherry. That is my main weakness. My fiance likes to enjoy a few drinks on the weekend, when we usually have people over, and that is really hard since I am more of a social drinker.

Now, what I am proposing is anyone who is trying to cut out alcohol as well join me in my one month no alcohol challenge and if we want we can extend it to two months later. I know St. Patricks day is coming up and people will be going out, so I propose that two drinks (up to 8 oz) is acceptable as long as you log them in. If you go over your calories from it, you will see the results. We will check in every Monday right after the hardest part of the week, those dreaded weekends. I know I have a harder time then. Our last check in will be Monday April 4th and if anyone wants to go another month at that point we can go for it!

Who's up for this challenge?

Also, if anyone has any non-alcohol drink ideas, let us know. I know sometimes I drink tonic water and POM juice. Whenever I put vodka in it, I would rarely taste it so I can pretend there's vodka in there.


  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Never been much of a drinker but when I do I like my Sailor Jerry shots. BUT there is a link in my signature regarding the effects of alcohol on the waistline. It is interesting.
  • MannAmanda
    I am in! I need to cut Alcohol out of my diet too!
  • LOVEthighSELF
    LOVEthighSELF Posts: 104 Member
    haha this sounds like the worst chanllenge everrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck =)
  • Tcasillas
    Tcasillas Posts: 30
    im a sucker for alcohol. and im sorry but im not willing to give it up! i only drink friday nights after a usually long week. but since ive started this what i do it takes take a couple shot instead of having drinks. it cuts out all the extra calories from juice or soda and since im addicted to soda i cut that out my diet to. so SHOTS it is for now. usually 3 is good for me.
  • Lizzgeorge77
    Lizzgeorge77 Posts: 52 Member
    I gave up alcohol for Lent this year (which starts today and lasts 40 days). In years past I have given up meat and even gone vegan once or twice, but I think this will be the hardest! I drink an average of 2 drinks a day most months (I don't drink every day but I'll have 3-5 on some weekend nights). So cutting alcohol will be a lot of calories and sugars gone from my diet - and probably a lot of food left on the table as well, since we all know you're more likely to splurge when your willpower has been shot by a couple of glasses of wine. Of course the point of Lent is the sacrifice and clarity that results from some type of fasting, so I'm looking forward to that as well. It will be a physical cleanse but also an emotional and spiritual one!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Never been much of a drinker but when I do I like my Sailor Jerry shots. BUT there is a link in my signature regarding the effects of alcohol on the waistline. It is interesting.

    I have read so many articles about this and how alcohol cuts down your body's ability to shed fat. That's why I want to quit for now.
  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    I'm in! Last time I had alcohol was on Sunday...couple of Bloody Marys with brunch.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    haha this sounds like the worst chanllenge everrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck =)

    How does it sound like the worst challenge ever? I'm just wondering about your thoughts on it.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Okay....I read this and was debating...but I think it would be good to last alcoholic drink was on Monday, March 7th. I had 3 Smirnoff Ice (I know, packed with calories). It's weird though...every time I drink, I'm lighter the next day. Tuesday, I was 3 pounds lighter than the day before! I'm sure that's just dehydration though. Anyway....I think I need to do this.
  • not2late
    not2late Posts: 98 Member
    I find it easier to factor in the alcohol to my food intake. The more I drink the less I eat. So, if I know I am going out for say 4 pints of beer with the chaps after work, I have around half my daily calorie intake taken up with beer. Still lose weight though if you count it :)
  • ProjectSara
    ProjectSara Posts: 83 Member
    I've been a very regular drinker for as long as I've been full-grown. My boyfriend and I decided to do a 30 day alcohol-free challenge, which started Feb 19th (my first day of being 27), to see if the quality of our lives change at all. I have to say, my quality of life has not improved by cutting out the alcohol, so once March 19th hits we'll be celebrating with some wine. Or beer. I still think it's a good thing to do every once in awhile, plus it's easier for me to consistently meet my daily calorie goals without the hooch!

    Good luck!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Sadly, I was hoping this was a different kind of alcohol challenge. :laugh:
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    you buy em and Ill drink them for you :) try my fav drink "Eric's 2% white Russian"
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Right, so today's check in day, right? Well, last....Thursday, I had one Smirnoff Ice...but that's all I've had to drink this week! Whoop!
  • Deucette
    Deucette Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! I've been saying I was going to slow down on my drinking so w/the exception of St. Pattys' day I'm up for the challange to not drinking at all.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    So, how did everyone do this weekend? And what are your plans for fighting the urge beyond the two 8 oz drinks this Thursday?

    I had my St. Patty's day with some friends this Saturday and had one Guinness (11 oz) and that's all. I wanted more, but I thought I might want even more if I had any extra. My fiance works later in the day (gets home about 11pm), and I purposely made no plans for Thursday so I wouldn't be tempted to drink. I will have my Fuze cranberry-raspberry with club soda and pretend there's vodka in it!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I'm in! I've been saying I was going to slow down on my drinking so w/the exception of St. Pattys' day I'm up for the challange to not drinking at all.

    Great! It's always nice to have a larger support group. I know I wanted to stop for a while, and with all you guys signing up for this I know we can help each other succeed.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have found I don't want to drink since I started exercising more. I have a cider sometimes, but more than one and I just feel sick. So yeah, I'll join in!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Right, so today's check in day, right? Well, last....Thursday, I had one Smirnoff Ice...but that's all I've had to drink this week! Whoop!

    Great job! I always find it harder to have only one drink than none, so kudos to you!
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    OOh good luck with this, I am a social drinker, me and my fiance have quite an active social life (when we can get babysitters that is) . . . . I just cannot cut out my alcohol totally, it's the same as with cheese, I just don't want to lol.
    I have had social event after social event the past few months, so been really naughty!! :(
    I've stopped drinking all different types of booze on a night out, just sticking to vodka and lemonade, and only allowing myself so many ( ONLY if I have had a real good workout that day to allow for a night out (900+ cals burned) )

    I tried not drinking, didn't work for me lol

    Hope you all do better xx