Sugar Intake in Fruits

ljbrauer Posts: 62
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I have been perusing the boards here and there and I wonder who thinks that we should be watching the sugar intake from not only foods that contain added sugars but also fruits? I have been curious as to why people who believe that fruit (usually containing sugar) need to be eaten in such moderation to stay under a certain percent in sugar intake through out the day.

I have been under the impression that sugar in fruit is not really any issue because they contain so many good things that our body needs like vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc. I think the benefits outweigh any sugar content. I say eat your fruits and don't be so worried about the sugar, but just be aware of all the good things fruits can do for your body. I am way more worried about the sugars in processed foods than I am in fruits.

I want to know what you guys think because I read posts that do not agree with what I just said. I am not looking for validation, just want to know anything about this topic that I may not already know. Thanks! :]


  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    I think the sugar in fruit is okay because it's natural within the structure of the fruit and it's not added from another source. :)
  • seckler
    seckler Posts: 169 Member
    Well, I think that I agree with you. Eat the fruit!! If I eat one granny smith apple and one banana I am pretty much over my sugar limit for the day, so as long as I am over because I ate fruit - then I don't worry about it.
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    I know women who literally can't eat more than one banana or 10 grapes a week or they won't lose weight. And I know those who can eat all the fruit they want and still lose. When I started to cut down my sugar (total sugar-from everywhere-your body doesn't care where the sugar came from, it just knows it's sugar) I broke a plateau and have been steadily losing since. Everyones body is different, and reacts differently to everything!
  • I "watch" my sugar... but I don't worry about the sugar coming from the fruits. Its the sugar coming from the "junk food" that I am watching for.

    *Like today I am already over my sugar... Just from eating strawberries, a banana and a granola bar... I am not worried about it. I make a "mental note" that most of my sugar intake was from fruits- and I dont worry about it.
  • my doctor said eating fruit is much better for you than the alternative!
    i eat a couple of pieces of fruit a day and not worry about it!
  • RachelH25
    RachelH25 Posts: 108
    I've been feeling the same way! I eat at least two fruits a day and the sugar in my diary is always double what it says it should be. I limit sugar in other areas though like I eat cottage cheese now instead of yogurt. I'm loseing weight so I don't think you should worry about it.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    I asked the same thing a couple of days ago keep me posted.I was told not to eat after 2 pm. No matter what the body changes it to sugar healthy or not.A sugar is a sugar!
  • KeyMasterOfGozer
    KeyMasterOfGozer Posts: 229 Member
    The sugar in fruits certainly should count. Most Doctors who say that it's better are merely saying that fruit also gives you vital nutrients and fiber, which are great for you. You can also get the same nutrients and fiber from other sources that have much less sugar, though. I'm not saying you shouldn't eat fruit, it's just that the Sucrose, Fructose, and Glucose that is in Fruit will effect your body in the same way that the Sucrose in table sugar does.

    Most fruits contain Fructose, Glucose and Sucrose in some amounts.

    Table sugar is Sucrose, which is a molecular combination of one Glucose and one Fructose. This is the way plants store energy for later use.

    Glucose can be utilized by any cell in the body for fuel, or converted into Glycogen for later short term use. Fructose can only be used once it has been processed by the liver into Glycogen. Excessive Fructose has been linked to all kinds of nasty health problems.

    I am adding superfluous info now, so that is a sign I should go to bed. :smile:

    Here is a link to a chart of what kinds of sugars are in various fruits. It's on a "Paleo Diet" page, which I know nothing about, but the chart seems to be accurate.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I'm always in a quandry because I absolutely love and adore fruit, but I don't really lose anything at all, sometimes gain a touch, when I have fruit every day. Not killing calories with it, just as a measured snack within the day. But I can pretty much guarantee that fruit keeps my scale stationary. It's so sad. :(
  • jaysvw
    jaysvw Posts: 11 Member
    I know women who literally can't eat more than one banana or 10 grapes a week or they won't lose weight.

    Then they are doing something very wrong because there isn't enough calories or sugar in either of those things to stifle weight loss on their own. I eat 2 cups of grapes a day, plus an apple and maybe another cup of blueberries or other assorted fruit. I'm still loosing weight because I can stay within my allowance of calories, even if I'm over on sugar.
    When I started to cut down my sugar (total sugar-from everywhere-your body doesn't care where the sugar came from, it just knows it's sugar)

    Not true. Your body breaks down sucrose(candy bar sugar) and fructose(fruit sugar) differently.

    In other words; EAT THE FRUIT. It's one of the healthiest things you can eat and as long as they stay within your calorie metric you will be just fine.
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