

  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    Arghhhh I would not cio. That will likely make it worse. Get the no cry sleep solution book by elizabeth pantley
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    We went through a really hard time from 6-9 months. She'd start doing better, then be waking to play again. CIO didn't fit with our parenting philosophy so we'd bring her into bed with us and the nights that didn't work we'd take turns sitting up with her. My husband and I agreed we would do what we needed to survive the first year, then gradually start no-cry sleep training if necessary. Around 9 1/2 months it's like everything clicked and not only does she sleep better (an occasional night nurse, but right back to sleep after) she also puts herself to sleep now, which everyone said would never happen if we didn't sleep train. I've heard good things about the No Cry Sleep Solution and Baby Whisperer if you're looking for no-cry solutions. Good luck!
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    I couldn't personally do the CIO thing (I tried for all of about 20 minutes and decided it wasn't for me or the wee one).

    When my lil' one was ... well, little, I bought the No Cry Sleep Solution mentioned. Most of it is common sensical sort of stuff but it helped a lot. I mean... a LOT.

    Getting her on a routine was what worked for us. Once she came off her night feed, it was even better. And being completely weaned was when the ultimate turning point came with regard to how well she slept.

    Try out different things and see what works best for you and baby, that's my only advice. That and try a defined nighttime routine. Best of luck.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Also, do you put him to bed awake? From the time their were a few weeks old I always put my kids to bed awake so that they would learn to put themselves to sleep. I always made sure they were plenty tired first though so they wouldn't cry. Now I just put my kids in bed and they just go right to sleep. My daughter is like a zombie in sleep mode the second she sees the crib, she jumps out of my arms and rolls on her tummy in the crib and waits to be covered up.
  • momof26
    momof26 Posts: 83
    WOW!! Thank you guys! He only gets a bottle at 8 pm and then that all until breakfast. I will turn off his night light tonight and see if that works. I will also do the cry it out thing tonight too. I do but him to bed awake and he has no problem with that, goes right to sleep. My husband has to be at work at 5 am Mon-Fri so it's all me at night!! He did cry for about 10 minutes when I laid him down for his nap and he gave up and went to sleep. Thank you so much for the advice and I will for surely use it tonight!!!
