Vegetarianism or veganism?



  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    Im a vegetarian/flexitarian...I eat meat and fish on occasion. Honestly the decision for me is really ethically based...I simply disagree with the way animals are raised for consumption and vehemently refuse to buy products that are inhumane. I also just don't feel the need to eat animals for protein or whatever, I eat lentils, beans, soy and nuts and don't miss meat really at all :)
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    There is no blanket truth that one approach is better than another. I've known both healthy and unhealthy vegans and vegetarians. One of my younger friends has been vegan for 6 years and has become seriously overweight and always feels lousy. I don't blame it on being vegetarian or vegan or an omnivore per se; in any case you still have to understand what your body needs, what's actually healthy, and ensure that you get it.
    THIS. Like any other eating choice, it's a matter of getting the proper nutrients. When I first when "vegetarian" I realize now I became more of a junk-a-tarian than anything else. I was eating loads of pasta and tons of any cheese that didn't contain animal rennet. Yes I was eating a lot of vegetables, but I also ate loads of fake meat.

    I have gradually decreased the amount the processed food in my diet, and make my own veggie patties, I also limit the amount of dairy and processed soy I eat, as well as limiting the amount of gluten in my diet. It took looking at my diet overall to really find what works for me. vegetarianism, veganism, pescatarianism or omni can all be healthy diets. It just takes doing your research and figuring out what works best with your lifestyle.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    people who are against vegetarianism and/or veganism have obviously not read up enough on the topic. you can survive well and live healthily on an omnivorous, vegetarian or vegan diet. personally, i think the vegan diet is the healthiest of all, if done right. i am a vegetarian, but i try to eat as vegan as much as possible. there are a lot of great books out there on veganism and vegetarianism, and even websites. of course there are pros and cons to all these diets, but i really want to say that those people who believe that you cannot be healthy on a vegetarian or vegan diet are ill-informed.
