Why the heck did I just drink that special Chik-fil-a shake?

Derm94 Posts: 20 Member
I just spontaneously went through the Chic-fil-a drive through for a small cole slaw for lunch. I was going to treat myself to a sweet tea too. Usually I drink Diet Coke, as I refuse to drink any calories ever. I ended up driving away with a sweet tea, a small cole slaw and a "Limited time only Banana Pudding Shake". I drank the whole thing on the way home and only ate half of the slaw because after drinking the shake it wasn't even good...and I usually love the slaw. Now I feel like crap because I am full but know I will be starving later. To make it worse, I just tracked my food for the day and added the shake and almost passed out when I saw the calories in that shake...780 calories!!!!!!! I am appalled. Nothing should be that fattening and that small and that bad for you. I am pissed that I had no self control. I was planning on going to the gym later tonight anyway. Now I have to to earn enough calories to eat a light dinner since as of now I am -60 calories remaining. Ugh!
And the cole slaw is 360 calories!!! I thought it would be a little treat but for those calories I could have done much better.
That's my sad story.


  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Oh I hate it when that happens! Chalk it up to a learning experience and try to mitigate the damage.

    We ate out this weekend for the first time in a long time. We ended up at Dairy Queen (which I used to LOVE) and I got what used to be my "usual". It's the mushroom burger, onion rings and a root beer. I'm actually kind of glad we did it even though it was really bad and high in calories. All of us (including our 4 kids) decided we really, really don't like fast food anymore! We had already discovered we don't like McDonald's after it made us sick but we apparently had it confined to just them. Now eating at a different restaurant we realize we just don't like it in general.

    Have a good workout this evening and put the day behind you. :)
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    We have all been there! Shake it off, go for a walk and AVOID fast food if you can!:noway:
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i'm sorry.. i hate days like that. :(
  • MaliyasMom
    Cheer up, Jennifer!! You r human and setbacks r inevitable but, get back on the grind and take that weakness for the team. It'll b aight. :smile:
  • alandry1203
    lol. I know the feeling, I have had those moments where i pig out on something and think, why in the world did i just do that????!!!!
    Go earn some 'dinner' at the gym. I am going tonight to zumba...to make up for 2 slices too many of some pizza that was utterly delicious! lol
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I have been on that boat more than once, so I totally feel for you! Don't let it hamper the rest of your day, though. Go and burn those cals!
  • starboardzor
    No biggie, now you know! If I have to eat on the go, I will be standing at the counter with my smart phone in my hands looking up nutrition facts so I can make at least a decent choice. I probably look crazy doing it, but it's worth it!

    And before I go to any restaurant I do a little research while I'm still at home and decide ahead of time what I'm going to get.