

  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    You'd have to taste my recipes to believe that this stuff is good, but I love "Beef Not" or "Chicken Not" from Dixie Diner (google it) made into: sloppy joes, taco mixture, or pasta sauce.

    It's easy. You just add a cup of beef stock to the dry TVP and let it set a minute. Toss it into a skillet like beef, add some fresh garlic, diced onions, some taco seasoning mix, some diced up chipotle peppers, some salsa, some cilantro and, voila, it tastes EXACTLY like ground beef with some rocking Mexican flavor. Toss the stuff into a high fiber, low carb/calorie tortilla, top off with some nonfat greek yogurt (tastes like sour cream), a couple pieces of avocado, a squeeze of lime and a touch of fresh cilantro and you have a HUGE, filling meal that's low in calories and super nutritious (you really have to read the nutrition info on their website to believe it).

    I love this stuff -- learned about it from attending a one day seminar put on by the Cooking Cardiologist. Our entire family loves the stuff!! And you can use it for anything that you'd use ground beef in (but not straight up as in a hamburger patty). :)

    Just another option! My sister didn't believe how good this stuff is and now she's using it regularly!!
  • AZiemba
    AZiemba Posts: 17
    I made black bean burgers last night and we all loved them. From a meat&potatoes kind of a husband to a 3 year old. with a thin layer of sour cream and some Frank's red hot, the beef wasn't even missed!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I'm not religious so correct me if I'm wrong but isn't fish meat???

    It is meat when you talk about it from a vegetarian standpoint (pet peeve of mine: fish eaters who call themselves vegetarian). However, for some Biblical reason, Catholics say fish is OK but all other meat isn't on Fridays during Lent.

    My disclaimer: I am not Catholic nor Christian!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Many people use TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein) as a meat replacement. You can buy it many different ways.. bigger chunks if using in stews or smaller pieces about the size of fish food for dishes that would noramlly include ground beef. I always buy it at bulk food stores.. you can get it flavoured or unflavoured, but watch for the sodium devil in the flavoured ones. Its dry initially, just hydrate with water.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I'm not religious so correct me if I'm wrong but isn't fish meat???

    It is meat when you talk about it from a vegetarian standpoint (pet peeve of mine: fish eaters who call themselves vegetarian). However, for some Biblical reason, Catholics say fish is OK but all other meat isn't on Fridays during Lent.

    My disclaimer: I am not Catholic nor Christian!

    Dorky Religion Minor chiming in on the fish-ness of lent.

    Christians give up meat during lent, dogmatically, to symbolize not partaking in the sacrifice of "The Lamb" (a title or symbolic reference to Jesus). No animals are to be "sacrificed", and historically since people butchered their own cattle - it came to be associated no meat from cattle. Fish simply weren't killed in the same manner of visible bloodshed- just dragged out of the water. So it's not going vegetarian for lent, it is specifically not participating in the process of butchering (and you can argue semantics but that's the thought process).

    From an early Christian economic point of view, it also was to help support a community that was largely composed of the fishing trade (Jesus' teachings were most accepted by fishers, so the early community of Christians started eating fish during lent to support this trade and to commemorate the symbolism Jesus often invoked- "I will make you fishers of men").

    Dork Girl, Away!!