RUNNERS! & WALKERS! What do you expect at a race??

bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I am organizing a race for the first time & I need your help! It is a 2 Mile Fun Run/Walk at a college track to benefit American Cancer Society. I have run a few 5Ks but I know I am probably overlooking things while I am organizing this race.

What are some things you expect at races in terms of organization and setup? What is it about certain races that makes you want to come back to that race next year?

This is just a "fun run" so it is not going to have chips for would you expect results and everything to be calculated w/o chips?

I appreciate all of your help!!!


  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Thanks for the post. I'm just starting to organize a 5K so I'm very interested in the feedback you'll get. :) I'll be watching!
  • I like doing fun runs! Especially when it is beneficial to something that is near and dear to my heart! I think that many would agree with me. :)
  • thegirl68
    thegirl68 Posts: 28 Member
    The 5K I ran last summer did not have chips- they had someone standing at each mile marker and at the end with a stop watch and these people kept calling out the times....that way as you ran past you had an idea of your time. I thought it worked very well. I believe that the first few to cross the finish line (soooo not me) received some type of prize/award. Hope that helps some.
  • hdchic78
    hdchic78 Posts: 31 Member
    For a fun run, I'd "expect" bibs with numbers and a host of people writing down our time on clipboards that well as some water and donated fruits or donuts runs are supposed to be just that -- so, keep it light and fun for everyone (including the volunteers helping you)
  • Hi,

    I know this may not apply for your distance, but I've done some 10 and 12k runs and there are never enough water stations. Maybe you could ensure there is a decent water station at the end?

    The other really important thing is to have lots of people cheering the runners/walkers on, it makes such a difference!

    Good luck!

  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    The main problems I've seen with the 5k's I've run, is lack of defined starting lines or signals, and faulty chips. So, with running on a track with no chips, you got those both covered hahahaha.
  • ilvpsu
    ilvpsu Posts: 25 Member
    I agree with everyone so far..I've run some 5K's, a 10-miler and 1/2 marathon... so, maybe more frequent water stations that stretch out over a few tables..., healthy snacks are nice, I personally don't need the goodie bag of ads and samples, although, maybe some running stores would be happy to advertise, and donate things. I bet places like McD's and Dunkin Donuts would donate cups for water, etc.

    Also helpful is good signage, for restrooms, changing areas, or a bag drop, etc.

    Good luck!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I organize a 5k for Labor Day weekend as a fundraiser for the basketball team I coach.

    I'm not sure we classify our's as a fun run. I hired a timing company to do the timing and results. They use the chips. The main reason I do this is because I want it to be well-organized and want more and more people to participate in this race. This timing company also set up an online registration for us.

    We have water and fruit for after the race. We have tshirts as well. If you do tshirts, make sure you say on the entry form that only those who pre-register are guaranteed a tshirt. Make sure if you give medals/ribbons you specify very clearly what those are for on the entry form, especially if it is different from the norm.

    We didn't have a person with times at each mile marker and that was suggested after our first year.

    We also got our course certified and we got many compliments on how that was a good thing.

    We had the local ambulance service standing by.

    Other than that, have many volunteers to make the day go as smoothly as possible.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    First....I like a lot of signage telling me clearly where registration is held...I like registration/packet pickup that has a few stations divided alphabetically etc....I like when the start and finish are clearly marked...but if you are on a track that will be easy. I like partipant only areas to get water/bananas and bagals (bagals can really be quartered)...but I do always like when there are refreshments available for my family...if it a charity thing I don,tmind spending a smalla mount for refreshments for non particpants. If it is a fun run I would rely on my own time piece but ask thr high school if they have aportable timer to set at the lap mark.....those are my thoughts for now
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    Well done for arranging this.
    I have done one 10k and a few 5ks and these are the things that I think make a good event:

    1. Plenty of information before hand about parking, toilet facilities, drinks available etc
    2. Clearly visible digital clock at the start and finish - so that people can see the time they took. Although as this is a fun run that may not be necessary.
    3. First Aid available.
    4. Lots of support along the route to cheer people on - especially at the end to help people over the finish line.
    5. A momento for all those that finish. Medal, free gift etc.
    6. Marshalls in the car park to see people in and out without too much waiting around.

    Can't think of anything else - but I bet you've already go this covered!

    Have a great day.
  • ubabe1
    ubabe1 Posts: 144 Member
    Is there any kind of fee for signing up? If it is going to just be a "fun run" I wouldn't advertise it as a "race" and you may want to state that finish times will not be taken and that there will be no "winners" per se...everyone will be a winner for participating in your cause! Serious runners may want to time themselves. You will want to provide some sort of refreshment for after the race...bottled water, orange slices, bagels, muffins, etc. Each participant should receive a certificate or some momento from the race...something with the name of the event, date and where it takes place. Make sure your course it marked out real well. You should have volunteers posted at different points...even if its just for cheering runners on. Try to get a local radio station out there or your marching band drum core to get people motivated and "awake" for the event. Good luck!!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Wow, great responses everyone! Thanks so much for your input! Keep the advice coming!
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I ran a half marathon last weekend that was put on by my running club - very small event. They didn't have timing chips, everyone wore tear away tags that had their names on them and they'd write down our times as we came in and made sure to collect the tags in order of the finishers (as we came through the finishing line chute). Not as accurate as a chip, but nobody expects it to be. Other than that - make sure to have plenty of water and restrooms! And I personally like it when they have oranges at the finish - yum!
  • bsuezehr
    bsuezehr Posts: 3
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