Calorie confusion

so today I was about 300 calories under my goal which I thought would be even better than making my goal of 1,200. However upon clicking complete entry I was immodestly scolded for not making the goal and said something about repeating this could cause my body to go into starvation mode and actually slow down weight loss. My question is, when is it ok to be under my daily goal and by how much is it ok?


  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I think a lot of us have been conditioned to believe that eating less automatically means losing weight. I used to think that. The first 8 months I was here, I didn't eat my exercise calories. Suddenly, things stalled.
    Thankfully, I have a friend who's tested things and I followed what the results said.

    Here's a link for you to check out:

    FYI, MFP put me at 1200 a couple months ago and that's when I stalled. I did some of these calculations and moved it up to 1400 and then some for exercise calories. I'm halfway into the week and already down 2 lbs.

    In other words, eat! :)