Bummed...don't read if you don't want to hear me whine!



  • szanyi
    szanyi Posts: 1
    Don't be bummed. This may make you feel better. For the last eight weeks I've been working out two hours a day three to five times a week, eat VERY well and today I realized I've gained four pounds, one inch in my waist, lost one in my chest and half in my hips. I do spin class, sculpt extreme, boot camp and pilates. I thought I would get discouraged but he'll no, I'm declaring war and determined to win. perhaps that's why I joined. I'm going to try very hard not to stress and change my entire thought process. Think of the positive.............unlike me you lost weight and that is GREAT!:smile:
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Stay with it!!! 9lbs is GREAT! Think about weight loss as the small successes- smaller jeans, losing inches, making healthier choices, pushing yourself in the gym, ect. My story has taken over a year. It didn't come fast- I was very obese and that is why the weight came off fast at first. Now I fight for each pound I lose. Don't ever lose sight of why you want to lose weight! Believe in yourself and let those stories encourage you!! :)
  • fontaine3b
    I agree with everybody who answered you!!!

    I too love, love, love to look at the tranformation pictures and soooo can't wait until I am there, also used to get bummed that I am not. I have been here a little over 4 weeks and have only lost 6 lbs. BUT my clothes fit better, I am moving my a** much more than I have since my babies (16, 15, and 11) were young boys running me crazy, and have have lost INCHES and I will take that over pounds!!!

    Everyone who has mention that slow and steady is sooo right!!! I was complaining just today that I don't see a change, my friend who is my workout buddy, said I sure do!! You're here everyday working out, watching what you eat and pushing me to do the same!! I'll take that too!!!

    Friend me and we and encourage each other as we continue our journey!!!

    Best wishes for a healthy new you!!!

  • MariahNS
    MariahNS Posts: 23
    You are all sooo great! This is why I'm on this site! Ask for a little boost and you get a HUGE boost! Feeling better today, right on track. Gonna lay off the scale for a while and focus on NSVs.

    Thanks Pals!!