


  • i am in culinary school and one of the girls I study with always picks on me. This weekend we had a study party with plates of cheese and biscuits, carrot strips and apple slices. Every few hours I'd get up and grab a couple carrots and she'd yell across the room, "Are you seriously still eating?!" Really seems like a self-esteem issue on her part but it really brings me down.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    LOL My three year old....I save a least 200 calories a day, just to share his snacks lol
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    Unfortunately, it sounds like there are a lot of people out there who will sabatoge someone else's efforts to lose weight and get healthy. My husband is very supportive, but it didn't start out that way. I never gained any weight until I met him, since we've been married (6 years), I've gained a lot. He's tall , skinny and eats chocolate and sweets every day. He doesn't eat many calories and really has a bad diet if left up to his own devices. I do the healthy cooking and luckily he usually loves what I make. I've had to ask him though to NOT buy large quantities of treats and bring them into the house. When he's done this in the past, is when I go a little nuts. He'll leave a huge, open bag of cookies sitting right beside me on the couch. Now, don't get the wrong idea. He wants me to lose weight, but is kind of clueless about his role in all this. He's never had a weight problem and never will. He doesn't really know what it means and I don't talk about it with him. I never bought junk food before I met him, but have learned to like things I never liked before since I met him eg chips, chocolate, sweets. The good news is that if I ask him to buy just single treats for himself he will. I know he wants me to succeed. He wants me to be happy. I think some people may be like him, not trying to sabotage, but don't realize what they're doing.
  • Sounds like you're doing the right thing just being firm and ignoring them.

    Let me know if you figure out how to stop them for good! I've got a couple of people who i really want to punch everytime i see them.
    "Look how much bigger your belly is then mine!" isn't really the best motivator.....
  • I'm fine when I'm in the office because I got out for lunch and eat whatever healthy things I like but when I'm at home my mum always tells me I should eat more, have pudding or have more potatoes with my dinner. :huh: I'm like "Mum I'm trying to slim down my tummy, stop shoving food at me!"
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    I went home this past weekend after losing 15lbs and my mom said " you dont need to lose anymore. Your gonna look bad" Well mom I am (was) close to 200 lb when I started and am down to 180 ( at the time). I think I needed to lose and lose about 20 more. Needless to say she didn't like my answer. That's ok though... I didn't like her comment
  • jesshall281
    jesshall281 Posts: 219
    I was on webcam with my nan over Skype and she said 'that's a nice top, stand up, let's have a look'...

    So i stood up and she saw my legs in my shorts and started wailing 'Oh Jessie, eat something, you look too skinny!' When it was clearly the webcam making me look thinner!

    Ive only lost 7 pounds!

    I know its not negative, but it turned into a whole issue of trying to convince her im eating healthy, that im pretty much the same ive always been and that it was a webcam issue.... I would have preferred her to wail 'Jessie, you look wonderful!'
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