If I eat too much fat but yet stay in caloric range???



  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    For losing weight? Not too much.

    But if you are staying under calories, and eating too much fat, what is getting bumped out of your diet to make room for the fat? Protein? Carbohydrates? If you eat too much of one macro, you may not get enough of another. For weight loss, no biggie, but it may not be the best long term eating plan for optimal health.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    ....and I just realized I responded to a post from March 9th.

    March 9..2011
  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 174 Member
    One rule. Do not be afraid of fat! Fat doesn't make you fat the same way that eating broccoli doesn't make you green.
    Too much sugar/carbs make you fat because excess carbs inhibit your body's ability to burn fat for fuel. The carbs are used instead and the fat just gets stored.

    If you want to lose weight, eat less carbs and avoid sugar filled, over processed low fat foods.

    I get around 70% of my calories from fat and look where it's getting me! The lightest I've been in 10 years in fact!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    ....and I just realized I responded to a post from March 9th.

    March 9..2011
    this bears repeating. folks, this thread is over three years old.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    ....and I just realized I responded to a post from March 9th.

    March 9..2011

    Well double damn
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    ....and I just realized I responded to a post from March 9th.

    March 9..2011
    this bears repeating. folks, this thread is over three years old.

    That's a shame, I could have helped save that poor woman from over-fat consumption disease but by now it is likely to late and she has probably passed on from eating to many almonds.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I've found a lot of people need a place to chat daily so I decided to run a
    health/fitness support group to share recipes, fitness tips, successes and challenges
    to help motivate each other daily Welcome eveyone interested in this kind of accountability.
    JOIN NOW: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FitnessAndHealthSupportGroup/
    No. I'm not gonna go to some random facebook group based on the recommendation of someone with a new account, three posts, and not even a picture.

    Go on now, go on. Get.
    Are you just spamming this garbage on EVERY thread?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    One rule. Do not be afraid of fat! Fat doesn't make you fat the same way that eating broccoli doesn't make you green.
    Too much sugar/carbs make you fat because excess carbs inhibit your body's ability to burn fat for fuel. The carbs are used instead and the fat just gets stored.

    If you want to lose weight, eat less carbs and avoid sugar filled, over processed low fat foods.

    I get around 70% of my calories from fat and look where it's getting me! The lightest I've been in 10 years in fact!

    No. Not true. Just like fat doesn't make you fat..sugar doesn't make you fat. It's when you eat at an excess above your maintenance that makes you fat.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    As long as you're burning more calories than consuming, you will lose weight. Unfortunately, I don't think the weight starts really coming off until you sacrifice some of your splurging and replace it with healthier choices. Trust me, it's not as hard as you may think. There are plenty of delicious, lower fat foods that are satisifying. When I'm feeling frisky, I look in the recipes section of this site, and have found some fun new ideas.

    The first sentence is correct. The second sentence is not, although what most people consider "healthier choices" are foods that help to create the necessary deficit. However, if the food is weighed and logged carefully (to prevent eating more calories than you realise), it doesn't matter what the actual food is, you will lose weight if you're in calorie deficit. BUT you need to ensure nutritional balance as well for healthy body composition and general health so it's not that those are not important, it's just that they're important for different reasons, and weight loss is purely about creating a calorie deficit.

    OP: yes if you're hitting your calorie goal while being over on fat you will still lose weight. Be sure you're getting enough protein though... being over on fat and carbs and still hitting your calorie goal means you'll be under on protein. On the other hand, if you're over on fat, hitting your protein goal and you're under on carbs then that's no biggie. And one day of being under on protein won't hurt if you're getting enough the rest of the time. Hitting your calorie goal = success at losing weight; getting enough protein = helps ensure the weight you lose is fat, not lean mass (you also need to exercise for the same reason); getting enough fat, vitamins, minerals = better general health; getting enough carbs = having enough energy to fuel your workouts and give you energy to get through your day.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    I'm starting to have a problem with eating too much sugar but staying in calorie range. I'm noticing that, although I'm staying in calorie range, I am no longer losing and actually find my body deciding to gain. I'd cut back on sugars and eat more fruit and things that are good for you; not only are they more filling, but will be better in the long run.

    ^^^ This is the culprit... Newbie mistake.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    2011 thread on fat, proof that even Zombies need fat in their diet.
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    I am having the same problem.... never go over my calories but ALWAYS over for my sugars!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Same here....I stay within the calorie limit but am almost always over on sugar AND fat. Clearly I need to eat healthier foods.

    And LOL....I didn't even notice the date of the post. I must need more sleep, too!
  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 174 Member
    One rule. Do not be afraid of fat! Fat doesn't make you fat the same way that eating broccoli doesn't make you green.
    Too much sugar/carbs make you fat because excess carbs inhibit your body's ability to burn fat for fuel. The carbs are used instead and the fat just gets stored.

    If you want to lose weight, eat less carbs and avoid sugar filled, over processed low fat foods.

    I get around 70% of my calories from fat and look where it's getting me! The lightest I've been in 10 years in fact!

    No. Not true. Just like fat doesn't make you fat..sugar doesn't make you fat. It's when you eat at an excess above your maintenance that makes you fat.

    So, can you explain why the world has become fatter with more diabetes, heart disease etc... despite nearly 40 years of recommending cutting calories, eating low fat and exercising more?

    Ever heard the phrase, "A calorie is not a calorie"?

    What you eat has more of an effect than how much you eat.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    One rule. Do not be afraid of fat! Fat doesn't make you fat the same way that eating broccoli doesn't make you green.
    Too much sugar/carbs make you fat because excess carbs inhibit your body's ability to burn fat for fuel. The carbs are used instead and the fat just gets stored.

    If you want to lose weight, eat less carbs and avoid sugar filled, over processed low fat foods.

    I get around 70% of my calories from fat and look where it's getting me! The lightest I've been in 10 years in fact!

    No. Not true. Just like fat doesn't make you fat..sugar doesn't make you fat. It's when you eat at an excess above your maintenance that makes you fat.

    So, can you explain why the world has become fatter with more diabetes, heart disease etc... despite nearly 40 years of recommending cutting calories, eating low fat and exercising more?

    Ever heard the phrase, "A calorie is not a calorie"?

    What you eat has more of an effect than how much you eat.

    Because people nowadays are too inclined to sit on their butts for work, internet, television, etc. I don't think that food is to blame, but instead a far less active lifestyle. Less activity equals less calories burned...you get the idea.

    And as far as weight loss goes, a calorie is most certainly a calorie.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    So lets say that I still stay in my caloric range of 1400 calories a day but yet I eat things that are high in fat for a few days, but doing so will this hinder me from loosing weight?

    I am pretty good about staying between 1300-1500 calories a day but sometimes I still eat cookies, some chips etc that are higher in fat.

    Please advise

    Try and steer clear of trans fats.

    Apart from that IMO scoff on.

    ETA Damn you Em1158 - Peter cushion would turn in his grave if he new you were summonsing this from the grave.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    One rule. Do not be afraid of fat! Fat doesn't make you fat the same way that eating broccoli doesn't make you green.
    Too much sugar/carbs make you fat because excess carbs inhibit your body's ability to burn fat for fuel. The carbs are used instead and the fat just gets stored.

    If you want to lose weight, eat less carbs and avoid sugar filled, over processed low fat foods.

    I get around 70% of my calories from fat and look where it's getting me! The lightest I've been in 10 years in fact!

    No. Not true. Just like fat doesn't make you fat..sugar doesn't make you fat. It's when you eat at an excess above your maintenance that makes you fat.

    So, can you explain why the world has become fatter with more diabetes, heart disease etc... despite nearly 40 years of recommending cutting calories, eating low fat and exercising more?

    Ever heard the phrase, "A calorie is not a calorie"?

    What you eat has more of an effect than how much you eat.

    There may be "40 years of recommending cutting calories, eating low fat and exercising more" but have people actually followed that recommendation? Obviously not or less people would be overweight.

    Have you ever heard the phrase "A calories is a calorie...is a calorie"? It's a unit of measure.
    How much you eat has more of an effect on weight loss than what you eat. If you ate 500 calories over maintenance in broccoli it would cause you to gain as much fat [weight] as eating 500 calories over maintenance of fast food or sugar or fatty foods etc.

    Barring some sort of metabolic disorder or special medical condition it really is calories in < calories out for fat loss.
  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 174 Member
    One rule. Do not be afraid of fat! Fat doesn't make you fat the same way that eating broccoli doesn't make you green.
    Too much sugar/carbs make you fat because excess carbs inhibit your body's ability to burn fat for fuel. The carbs are used instead and the fat just gets stored.

    If you want to lose weight, eat less carbs and avoid sugar filled, over processed low fat foods.

    I get around 70% of my calories from fat and look where it's getting me! The lightest I've been in 10 years in fact!

    No. Not true. Just like fat doesn't make you fat..sugar doesn't make you fat. It's when you eat at an excess above your maintenance that makes you fat.

    So, can you explain why the world has become fatter with more diabetes, heart disease etc... despite nearly 40 years of recommending cutting calories, eating low fat and exercising more?

    Ever heard the phrase, "A calorie is not a calorie"?

    What you eat has more of an effect than how much you eat.

    Because people nowadays are too inclined to sit on their butts for work, internet, television, etc. I don't think that food is to blame, but instead a far less active lifestyle. Less activity equals less calories burned...you get the idea.

    And as far as weight loss goes, a calorie is most certainly a calorie.

    Sorry. A calorie is not a calorie otherwise the days when I go bushwalking would result in massive losses. Yeh, a calorie is a calorie but it depends on how your body uses that calorie based on the source.

    A calorie from carbs may not be used for energy but could most likely be deposited into a fat cell as an excess thus you gain weight, whereas a calorie from fat would be used for energy more readily and not deposited in reserves.

    You can lose weight while sitting on your butt all day. You just need to eat the right things.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    A calorie from carbs may not be used for energy but could most likely be deposited into a fat cell as an excess thus you gain weight, whereas a calorie from fat would be used for energy more readily and not deposited in reserves.
    A calorie from carbohydrates may be stored as energy, but it is often stored as glycogen, not fat.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member

    Sorry. A calorie is not a calorie otherwise the days when I go bushwalking would result in massive losses. Yeh, a calorie is a calorie but it depends on how your body uses that calorie based on the source.

    A calorie from carbs may not be used for energy but could most likely be deposited into a fat cell as an excess thus you gain weight, whereas a calorie from fat would be used for energy more readily and not deposited in reserves.

    You can lose weight while sitting on your butt all day. You just need to eat the right things.

    This kinda doesn't make sense. How does, "A calorie is not a calorie otherwise the days when I go bushwalking would result in massive losses." support your argument? You could eat 2000 cals in twinkies or 2000 cals in protein and pasta over maintenance... you will still need to burn 2000 calories to not have it needing to be stored..

    "A calorie from carbs may not be used for energy but could most likely be deposited into a fat cell" Access of calories from any source are eventually stored as fat if not used. Carbs, Protein, Fats... etc.

    "You can lose weight while sitting on your butt all day. You just need to eat the right things." No. You can lose weight eating Twinkies and drinking Pop as long as you are in deficit. Granted that's a horrible idea? But there is no magical balance trick to losing weight... if you eat less then your body needs to function (ie. 500 cals under maintenance) it WILL begin to use it's reserves (aka fat) no matter what combination of foods is you are eating. It's mathematically impossible save for people with medical anomalies to gain weight without eating access calories. If your body needs the energy from a doughnut, it's not going to magically store it as fat because it discovered it was a doughnut when it really wanted broccoli.

    Case in point. I've lost over 20 pounds in the last two and a half months... I eat blue cheese dressing twice daily, french fries twice a week, hamburgers, fast food, etc. My fat calories are WAY over the red line compared to Carbs and Protein... yet, I'm still in a steady 1 to 2 pound a week loss and I'm not restricting any foods. OH and I don't exercise right now... and I work a desk job. Yep.
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    I have a diet high in fat, but it's animal fat not processed garbage. I also do not consume refined sugar or a lot of starchy carbs, but some ppl do fine on a diet that is fairly balanced across all macros, consuming animal fat or vegetable fat only (not vegetable oils, but the fats in whole vegetables, let's be clear), and they seem to lose weight just fine. Just lose the garbage you put in your mouth to lose the garbage packed around your body. As far as I can tell, that and genetics are the only reasons ppl's wildly varying diets/macro levels work for them. Genetics aside, the common thread between all these different diets working for different ppl is that a vast majority of the processed junk is cut out.

    Unless I've not met the weight losers on a junk food diet. In which case, hook a sista up :tongue: