Need more friends for support!

I've been MIA since winter hit b/c I hate the cold it hurts my joints and I just want to hibernate which is what i've been doing, eating and hibernating, luckily I've stayed around the same weight i was b4 winter hit with just a few lbs gained (and lost and gained and lost LOL) I'm now deciding to just DO it again so I can get a early start on losing this last 20 i want to lose b4 summer... ( i want to lose more than that but thats my mini goal) The problem is everytime I think about exercising and stopping the junk food binges I literally want to cry and lay down and give up! IDK y! I was doing GREAT b4 winter hit I lost 50 lbs and now I'm a pile of mush scared to even try even though I KNOW i can do it ! I really need ppl to help me get back on track! This is pathetic!! Where'd my strength go!?!?