Will I ever like running?!

I have started once again on a weight loss journey. I have tried many different ways to lose weight and the most successful so far was a diet pill. Of course I gained all that weight back otherwise I wouldn't be here. I have noticed that most people I have seen in my life successfully loose weight and keep it off have been those who count calories and exercise. The main thing that they say to do is run but let me tell you I HATE it! I just ran for the third day in a row and I hated every second of it. All day long I dread the time when I have to bring myself to start running. I understand now that there is no magic pill I can take to lose weight (not without great health risk anyways) but I just wish there was another way. Does anyone else have this hate relationship with running? Any tips you can give a girl to not despise it so much?


  • WashingtonGrown
    I hate running, plain and simple. I got 2 week 5 of couch 2 5K and I just had it. If I am going to work out, I want to do something that at least makes me happy not frustrated. I just stopped doing it all the time, and instead I do circuit training most of the time. But if I do use my treadmill I start out running for about 5-10 minutes to get my heart rate up then pump up my incline and walk at a brisk pace. There's is nothing wrong with NOT liking running, it's not for everyone. Thank God.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I dont HATE running but it's definatly not my workout of choice. there are so many other things you can do to burn calories that is easier on your body than running. So if you really dont like find something you do like. Liking something will make working out more fun and more likely for you to stick to it. for me that something is biking. cant get me off my bike. I love it so much it doesnt even feel like working out.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    It's kind of funny because I ran track and cross country in school but now I find running so boring. There are so many other ways to work out and burn calories though. You don't have to run. I have taken up step aerobics and I'm having a blast. I look forward to working out every day, and at the end of my hour, I have to make myself stop so I can go on about my day and get things done. There's tons of ways to exercise without having to run. I wouldn't recommend doing something that you hate so much, because you are more likely to stop. Find something you love. Dance, circuit training, tae bo, step aerobics, etc. The possibilities are endless! Good luck!! :)
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    question, do you run on a track, treadmil, or outdoors?
  • meganprather
    I run outdoors around my neighborhood.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    hmm maybe find a track? That is my favorite place to run anyway :D HATE the treadmil but can run 6+ miles if I am on the track :D
  • meganprather
    That is a really good point about finding something I do like because I will end up quitting. I was thinking about that today as I was running. There is no way I am going to keep this up if I hate it so much. It will be so much easier to get discouraged. I was thinking about maybe finding a fun workout video like Flirty Girl Fitness or something. Had anyone tried any of those?
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    me me me!!! I have flirty girl fitness! The cardio is fun, the entire routine is only about 10 minutes so I have to keep replaying it until I am satisfied. The abs and booty workout is so great though. You really feel it working! I don't do the workouts too often because I have other things I like to do but I definitely like the flirty girl fitness. It helped me get motivated to workout again.
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    I used to HATE running also... but I wanted to be a runner. I wanted to be one of those people who run 10k for fun and want to try a half marathon. I also dreaded every running day and would have to psych myself up for it. So let me just tell you, it gets better. Your body gets used to it, and eventually you will CRAVE it! Don't get me wrong, there are SO many fitness programs that I like better, but I'm at the point now that if I don't get to run for a week, i absolutely NEED to for my sanity. Stick with it - don't do it every day, and set a goal distance/time for every week to reach.
  • meganprather
    me me me!!! I have flirty girl fitness! The cardio is fun, the entire routine is only about 10 minutes so I have to keep replaying it until I am satisfied. The abs and booty workout is so great though. You really feel it working! I don't do the workouts too often because I have other things I like to do but I definitely like the flirty girl fitness. It helped me get motivated to workout again.

    OKay I am definitely going to try that then! I have heard good things but never got around to getting it.
  • johnonly
    johnonly Posts: 1
    I was clocked by a truck riding a bike to work. Back aint so good. 16 year old daughter takes me to the community fitness place 18 months ago. Never seen the running track on the upper level. she shows me her routine, goes easy on me. do this exercise, do that exercise, run a lap. Each lap was pain, I could barely make it, and sooo slowly. 2 more exercises, another lap. Ugh. Silly old man wants to keep up wit fit daughter, She doesn't invite me to do anything and I was so happy to be doing SOMETHING with her.

    Hate running. never jogged. Could barely do many of the exercises.

    But I kept going back every other day or so. The pain in the back gradually lessened. I think in about 2 - 3 months it went away altogether. But what made it more enjoyable was the tunes on the ipod. Cheapy little ipod and some favorite tunes, only turned on on the while running the track, NOT during the exercises.

    Just run a little, walk, rinse, repeat. It slowly gets better. Turn on, tune in, trundle....

    I have a treadmill too, needed it when I blew out two ligaments in 1994, but, I like going somewhere, even around in circles!
  • meganprather
    I used to HATE running also... but I wanted to be a runner. I wanted to be one of those people who run 10k for fun and want to try a half marathon. I also dreaded every running day and would have to psych myself up for it. So let me just tell you, it gets better. Your body gets used to it, and eventually you will CRAVE it! Don't get me wrong, there are SO many fitness programs that I like better, but I'm at the point now that if I don't get to run for a week, i absolutely NEED to for my sanity. Stick with it - don't do it every day, and set a goal distance/time for every week to reach.

    See I am with you on there. I want to be one of those people who love running. I want to look forward to it but I just find it to be torture. When I see people running I get so envious because I just want to have that same drive that they do! I think you are right about not doing it every day, I'll do it three times a week for now and see if it gets any better.
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    Its always the starting thats the problem. I will nag and moan and protest. It's not too bad when you actually start doing it and I always feel great afterwards. I don't join the gym because the actual traveling there puts me off. So as soon as I put my trainers on, step out the house, I just jog without thinking.
  • meganprather
    I was clocked by a truck riding a bike to work. Back aint so good. 16 year old daughter takes me to the community fitness place 18 months ago. Never seen the running track on the upper level. she shows me her routine, goes easy on me. do this exercise, do that exercise, run a lap. Each lap was pain, I could barely make it, and sooo slowly. 2 more exercises, another lap. Ugh. Silly old man wants to keep up wit fit daughter, She doesn't invite me to do anything and I was so happy to be doing SOMETHING with her.

    Hate running. never jogged. Could barely do many of the exercises.

    But I kept going back every other day or so. The pain in the back gradually lessened. I think in about 2 - 3 months it went away altogether. But what made it more enjoyable was the tunes on the ipod. Cheapy little ipod and some favorite tunes, only turned on on the while running the track, NOT during the exercises.

    Just run a little, walk, rinse, repeat. It slowly gets better. Turn on, tune in, trundle....

    I have a treadmill too, needed it when I blew out two ligaments in 1994, but, I like going somewhere, even around in circles!

    I love that your daughter kept you going! That is awesome. I don't listen to music when I run and I think you got something there because I can see that being a nice distraction and I bet I could find some good music to motivate me. That is amazing that your back pain went away after a couple months of running. My dad has problems with his knees (mostly from being overweight) maybe I can recruit him to run with me.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Make sure you pick songs that pump you up and get you motivated. I have chosen the wrong music in the past and it did the opposite of motivate me. It made me want to sit back and chill out lol.
  • mamawildbear
    mamawildbear Posts: 93 Member
    I hate running, always have. However, it is a serious calorie burner. It does get a little easier with practice but I still can't say I enjoy it. Definitely play some music. I run on a nice hike/bike trail so at least the scenery is nice. I've also been alternating 3 min run with 1 min walk which has help be build my endurance. My best is 5.2 miles doing the alternating thing. I'm slow though so it takes forever. I've signed up for a 10k so I'm not just running for running's sake which I think helps. There's a purpose to it now and I've got a goal to improve a little each time.

    I have friends who get the runner's high and get withdrawals when the don't run. I just don't get that at all. I run because I feel I have to, not because I want to.
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    Yea, I hate running for the sake of running.

    Give me a ball to kick around or shoot at a hoop and it makes running a lot more fun.
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    I used to hate running, but honestly it's great. get the right music playing, and feel ur body work and burn off them calories! :) i love it!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I always wanted to run but just didn't think I could do it.

    But.... I've been doing C25K for about 8 weeks now and am just loving it! I ran for 20 mins non stop last week which absolutely blew me away, I really had no idea I was capable of doing that.
    I have an app on my ipod which tells me when to walk and when to run and I like the fact that there is a structure to follow and that I know I don't have to do one thing all the time. I also listen to audio books when I'm walking/running which keeps me interested. I have one book that I'm only listening to when I'm doing this, so I want to get running so I can keep going with the story :)

    However, if you just don't like running, don't do it! There are so many different things that you could do, find one that grabs you or motivates you (for any reason, even it if seems silly, like me wanting more of my story!) then you will be more likely to stick with it.
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Rubybelle that is an awesome idea about the audiobooks! I think I will do that when I get onto the longer c25k runs!