Sometimes on our weight loss journeys we focus on what we've done wrong rather than what we're doing right. Stop beating yourself up! In this moment, RIGHT NOW I want you to post 10 things you love about yourself!

I LOVE my:
-Stubbornness to make a plan and go for it
-Courage to care about myself enough to lose weight
-Knowledge that I deserve better than what I did to myself in the past
-Talents and gifts
-Appreciation for creativity and beauty
-New love of healthy foods
-Healing from my back injury
-Love of trying new things


  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I love your list! :D

    -my love for people
    -my white teeth
    -my bubble butt :D haha
    -my grades! I earned my 3.4 gpa this semester :D
    -compassion for animals
    -sense of humor
    -skill at rugby
    -my passion for running
    -open mindedness
    -being a person anyone can come to
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    My eyes - bright, stunning blue. I've always loved my eye color.
    My lips - all plump and full, no collagen needed.
    My boos - I won't lie. They're pretty awesome ;)
    My legs - though chubby, I'm 6' so they're nice and long.
    My hands - it's strange, I've always thought I've had cute, petite hands.
    My curves - I know I have some awesome curves. Just need to drop the extras lbs.
    My talents - specifically my writing.
    My stick-to-it ways - I never quit. Ever.
    My courage - takes a hell of a woman to be a military wife.
    My stubbornness - I never back down from anything.