Is it only me??? or...

Ive been reading the message board a lot lately.. and im seeing its not just me that has a hard time the following day when i "relax" for a day and eat without counting.. or i go over... the next day.. i just want to keep grabbing.. all though i stop myself.. ive realized this is what i do.. and this maybe why diets for me didnt work in the past... because i couldnt get past the splurge...soo its not just me?... is this what you would call an addiction?


  • sftbutterflykiss
    sftbutterflykiss Posts: 223 Member
    Ive been reading the message board a lot lately.. and im seeing its not just me that has a hard time the following day when i "relax" for a day and eat without counting.. or i go over... the next day.. i just want to keep grabbing.. all though i stop myself.. ive realized this is what i do.. and this maybe why diets for me didnt work in the past... because i couldnt get past the splurge...soo its not just me?... is this what you would call an addiction?
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    oh butterfly, bless your heart... i think almost everyoneee on this site is a food addict!!!! those cookies calling out to you in the middle of the night, that ice cream that just wants to be eaten on those hot summer days. we've all been there! and we all have our "bad" days. the awesome thing about our bad days, is that we can turn around and have a good day the next!

    please do not give up! give it all you've got and take it one day at a time! that's what keeps me sane most of the time
  • neome90
    neome90 Posts: 420
    :flowerforyou: I too struggle with the cookies , the ice creams , the pudding , the cake , the trail mix , the banana chips , the wheat thins, ect...ect... ect..... for me it is always , always something. I am learning new and healthier alternatives each and every time I read the boards though and that has been a life saver for me many a time. I really am greatful for mfp. And just as chelsey787 posted "the awesome thing about our days, is that we can turn around and have a good day the next!!!" :flowerforyou:
  • fitladyfawkes
    fitladyfawkes Posts: 138 Member
    The one thing that helps me the most is to keep REALLY busy, and my mind starts to realize that i dont need the foods that i am craving.
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    I'd say give yourself that day of "whatever you want" but keep marking down the calories your eating.
    Then when you look back on the next day you'll see what you've been doing.
    This is what I do. I go over, sometimes for 2 or 3 days straight (yikes), but I keep track of calories anyway. Eventually, you learn to control yourself this way because you stop yourself before that extra cookie or beer in order to avoid the high numbers on MFP the next day.
    This works for me at least.
    I love snacks and cookies and beer, I am 22 after all. But Im teaching myself moderation too, so that I can also be fit and active when I need to be.
    I don't think its a good idea to not track your calories everyday, although I know a lot of people do this.
    I still like to know how Im doing even on the days I dont exercise.
  • iluvmy2kids2
    LOL!!! I so understand! I actually buy those the 60, 90, 100 calories snack packs. But do you think I eat just one like your supposed to! No, because my brain says your still hungry so I keep eating. Not going to lose weight that way:tongue:
  • AugustBaby1973
    It's not just you, sweetie!:happy: I, too, fall off the bandwagon some days. Like this past weekend--I took my kids to the circus and we had cotton candy, nachos and those little icy things that come in an animal container!!:tongue: I also took them out to eat and I just KNEW I'd blown my calorie goal for the day. But, because I walked up and down the Alamodome stairs, and walked around at the circus, and kept active most of the day, I actually burned off most of what I ate! :bigsmile: By my Sunday weigh in, I'd lost 3 pounds for the week! :drinker: So, even though you splurge one day it doesn't mean you've ruined your entire fitness regimen! Just remember to stay active, drink plenty of water and give yourself a big bear hug daily!!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Button
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    I think its most important to remember that one day won't ruin your week.
    So long as you come back for the 6 days the rest of the week and realize this is a lifestyle and not something you can stop when you reach your goal, you don't have to worry.
  • sftbutterflykiss
    sftbutterflykiss Posts: 223 Member
    yes.. i agree with all of you.. i have learned what to do to keep away from .. the bad habit the next day... i wish that feeling would go away.. from the picnic. to getting back to normal.. i wish my brain and my body wouldnt have a
  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member
    It gets easier, promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe pick one day a week where you plan to eat that one thing you've been wanting? You weigh in on Wednesday's.. so maybe on Wednesday's have your "cheat" meal .. that way you have the next 6 days to be a good girl? :)

    Then as time passes, you'll probably lose those cravings. That's how it's been for me anyway. Believe me.. I want a double cheeseburger from McD's SO BAD.

    I want a buffalo chicken sandwich from Friendlys lol... ... I WANT it.. but I haven't given in yet. I"m DETERMINED to win in the battle against FOOD!

    This Friday night we're taking the kids out to dinner. They haven't chosen where they want to go yet. But I keep telling myself I"m going to eat a meal of whatever I want.... but then that little voice in the back of my head is screaming "DONT cuz you'll feel guilty and vacation is next week!!!!!!"
  • sftbutterflykiss
    sftbutterflykiss Posts: 223 Member
    i do the same thing... ohh just eat it.. then i talk my self out of it.. maybe this is a great thing?