Hello, I'm New

Tink55 Posts: 1
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there. I am 32 and a working mom of 2 girls ages 7 and 9. Even though I work I have early hours so I work 6am to 2:30pm and pick my girls up from school, even though I am off early my week days turn into homework, dinner, cleaning and trying to find a few moments for me to relax. I admit that I love facebook, but I am not so into it where I sit in front of the computer and play all the little games, but I do love reading and keeping up on all my friends and family, durring that time I could get out and walk, but becuase of my work times, I always take my shower at night, which is great to workout before, but it always seems that something is going on, or homework took longer then planned.

I was on the right track and started working really hard and lost 10 pounds in about a month, but went on a Disney cruise and well, gained about 7 pounds and coming home, it was hard to cut back onthe food. I spent the money, I was going to enjoy it and I did. But now I am back to where I started in January and I am not to happy about it. A co-worker showed me this site and yesterday was day 1. Looking at what I eat, sure made me see that I really needed to get back on track and leave the peanut butter and bread for a while. So here I am on day 2 and down about a pound. I know not much, but it's a start.

I hope to lose the weight and be able to enjoy camping at the beach this summer with my family. I want to work on my self image and also be healthy for my girls. My husband and I have been together for 14 years, married for 10, so I am also doing this for him, but mostly, for myself. I wish there was a magic bottle of water or something, but I know this is going to take time, the hardest part is the motivation and support. My husband, well... he responds with... if you really want to do it, then do it, you don't need me. Well truth is, if I don't have someone rooting me on and telling me I am doing good... I last about a month and then fall off the diet wagon. So my goal is to stick to is and so far I love this site! So here I am.


  • hi good luck! i started last week lost 8lb so far im on the right tracks and plan to stay there this time!!
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