Tues 2/15/11 i got my VERY First EVER Blister, it turned out to be a Blood Blister, it started to slowly but surly never Completly it has gotton WORSE, im in sooo much Pain, ive had to give up YET AGAIN on the Running, which Frustrates me to NO END, makes me wanna Cry, i have been sooo Faithful and trying sooo Hard, Yesterday i BARELY got through my Power Walk/5.4-Miles and ive got a Walk-A-Thon Sat 3/12/11!!!! Ive taken time off from Wk-Ing out,Cleaned & Medicated it, let it Air-Out, except when wearing shoes, then when i do wear them, i make sure its properly Coverd w/Band-Aids.....I don't know what to do to get rid of this Blood Blister once and for all (BTW out of Wk so no Insur and no $ for a Dr.!)?!?! HELP!!!!! :explode: :sad:
