Does everyone get 1200 calories????



  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    After reading this thread I went onto my Goals and asked MFP to recalculate my calories, based on a 1lb a week loss (recommended)

    I am currently on 1200 (which I struggle to stick to without exercising for extra calories).

    With the "new" calculation - guess what?

    1210!!!!!!! Whoop whoop a whole extra 10 calories per day.

  • em80
    em80 Posts: 91
    I changed mine to 1300
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    MFP set mine to 1360 with a goal of 1lb per week lost. It's working great and I do eat most of my exercise calories. I like that because if I know I'm going to have a treat or a meal out, I can calculate how long I need to run or whatever and eat accordingly!!! I've been maintaining a steady 1-1.5 pound loss since I started back on MFP!
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    After reading this thread I went onto my Goals and asked MFP to recalculate my calories, based on a 1lb a week loss (recommended)

    I am currently on 1200 (which I struggle to stick to without exercising for extra calories).

    With the "new" calculation - guess what?

    1210!!!!!!! Whoop whoop a whole extra 10 calories per day.


    LOL, ten calories! You're in the money!

    You must be really close to your goal, though, if 1210 is a 500-calorie per day deficit for you. When I get to maintenance, my maintenance calories will be 1700 calories per day, which would put my 1 lb per week weight loss calories (500 cal per day deficit) at 1200.