Thanks and What I Learned

Last week I was pretty discouraged - had gone four months without a loss and had actually nudged up a bit. With about 20 lbs still to go (after losing 50) this was very frustrating. So I got on here and spilled my guys and asked for help. Everyone pointed out the obvious problem (too big of a calorie deficit).

I am happy to report that this week has been awesome--back to my normal weight loss trend. I only changed two things - so please take note, those of you on plateaus and who are about to give up (as I was just one week ago). First, I re-evaluated the number of calories my body needed and looked closely at what I was expending. I was surprised at how big the gap was some days (800 - 1200). I've since heard from some on this forum and read articles on the Internet that you really shouldn't create more than a 500-700 caloric deficit or risk going into a plateau. It's counter-intuitive but very true - I am living proof of that.

Second change is related. In order for me to SEE and KNOW for sure I was producing that kind of deficit so I could avoid it I had to keep VERY close track of my calories - not just estimates as I had been doing but truly using the strengths of MyFitnessPal to help me get a true picture of what is going on. I don't believe I will always have to do that. I think one can estimate when one is at maintenance level but until you reach that - it really is critical to keep close track as this takes away any tendency to cheat or low-ball your totals. You can't cheat your body - it knows so the only fool is yourself.

Anyway - just wanted to say thanks and give a little encouragement to those struggling to not give up and keep fighting for your goal.


  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    glad you found the help that you needed. good luck with that last goal and maintaining it.

    vicky jo