Thanks and What I Learned

cabrzama Posts: 24 Member
Last week I was pretty discouraged - had gone four months without a loss and had actually nudged up a bit. With about 20 lbs still to go (after losing 50) this was very frustrating. So I got on here and spilled my guys and asked for help. Everyone pointed out the obvious problem (too big of a calorie deficit).

I am happy to report that this week has been awesome--back to my normal weight loss trend. I only changed two things - so please take note, those of you on plateaus and who are about to give up (as I was just one week ago). First, I re-evaluated the number of calories my body needed and looked closely at what I was expending. I was surprised at how big the gap was some days (800 - 1200). I've since heard from some on this forum and read articles on the Internet that you really shouldn't create more than a 500-700 caloric deficit or risk going into a plateau. It's counter-intuitive but very true - I am living proof of that.

Second change is related. In order for me to SEE and KNOW for sure I was producing that kind of deficit so I could avoid it I had to keep VERY close track of my calories - not just estimates as I had been doing but truly using the strengths of MyFitnessPal to help me get a true picture of what is going on. I don't believe I will always have to do that. I think one can estimate when one is at maintenance level but until you reach that - it really is critical to keep close track as this takes away any tendency to cheat or low-ball your totals. You can't cheat your body - it knows so the only fool is yourself.

Anyway - just wanted to say thanks and give a little encouragement to those struggling to not give up and keep fighting for your goal.


  • exxxtasi
    exxxtasi Posts: 39
    sooo happy that you haven't givin up!! It shows strenght and determination and is truly a motivation to us all! GOOD LUCK ON THE REST OF YOUR JOURNEY!
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    I'm confused.

    So you tweaked your diet and ate more? Sorry if I'm slow.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    It seems that you and I are in similar situations. I lost about 2 pounds a week for over 4 months straight, which was perfect. Then i started to plateau. I guess my body got use to the foods I was eating, the exercises I was doing, and my overall lifestyle. I decided to do something fairly drastic..

    I completely changed everything I was eating and went on a a VERY low carb diet (similar to Atkins). I ate eggs and sausage for breakfast, a reasonable steak for lunch, and fish for dinner. I kept my carb intake to under 10 per day. This totally threw my body for a loop. I did this for one month and dropped 15 pounds. I'm close to my idea weight now and am back to eating a normal, balanced 2000 calorie/day diet. I haven't gained a pound and am happy where I am.
  • cabrzama
    cabrzama Posts: 24 Member

    I actually did a little bit of both - ate more and exercised less. The amount of calories I was burning each day (including exercise) was in the 3000 to 3600 area. The amount I was eating was in the area of 2000 to 2400, so the difference between the two was way too much. I've read that you shouldn't be more than 500-700 or risk going into a plateau. So this week, my calorie use has been about 3000, but my eating has been around 2500 each day. The result has been a 1.25 lb loss, and four consecutive days of drops--haven't really had either of those since December so I am confident this has been the problem.
  • cabrzama
    cabrzama Posts: 24 Member
    I have to admit, I am not one who agree's with extreme low-carb diets. There was compelling study I read not long ago that was quite extensive that clearly showed that those who are live on low-carb diets for long periods of time die younger. I think there is definitely prudence in watching the carb totals carefully, but same is said for meats and saturated fat. At the end of the day, I believe it comes down to calories in, calories out and eating a balanced diet. I also saw where a man had actually lost weight eating mostly just twinkies each day - he kept his calories down and his weight was okay, but his body fat percent shot up alarmingly. So, I believe in balance and moderation in all things.
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    I read about that Twinkie Study too. I also have a close friend who did the Atkins diet. Before she went on Atkins she was healthy (other than being overweight) - no high blood pressure and her cholesterol was below 180. She lost like 80 lbs on Atkins and being 80 lbs lighter at the end of this diet, she had both high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Six months after stopping the diet, her blood pressure and cholesterol were significantly improved.

    I am trying very hard to eat according to the food pyramid. Meaning, the proper servings from each food group and right at the number of calories I need to lose weight. Like you said, it comes down to calories in/calories out.....making good food selections and choosing healthy alterenatives.....moderation in everything.
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