Help me get past this plateau..

Jamievw Posts: 4
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I have been working hard for 3 months. Counting every calorie, working out consistantly.. but for the past month I have only gone up in weight, not down. I tried eating back exersice calories, zig zaging, eating less, working out more.. but im still gaining no matter what I try to do. Is this normal? Could I be building muscle? Im still working hard but a month of no weight loss is so discouraging.. im starting to worry that I wont be able to lose anymore =(


  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i've been gaining and losing the same 2 pounds since christmas, so i feel your frustration! how are you with your water intake? i've recently jumped mine up to 12 servings a day (96 ounces) hoping that this might help some. i would also suggest taking measurements. are your clothes fitting any better? do you feel stronger? if you are eating well and exercising, then there are so many other benefits aside from weightloss. i would focus on those and stay the course. it will happen!
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