Bikram Yoga

First off I found this link online for a bikram calorie calculator.

I also found this in the yoga forum.

Ok now thats over. I am planning on trying bikram yoga on Monday. I read that its really good for runners and since I do get sore a lot i figure its worth a try. However, I am going at 7pm and the website said not to eat for two hours before class. I will also probably run that day at least 4 miles.

If that calculator is correct I am looking at needing to eat 2400 calories that day! has anyone done Bikram? How set do you think that two hour rule is?


  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Ok, I'm sorry what is Bikram Yoga and what's the difference between this and regular Yoga? Hubby and i just started taking Yoga classes 2 weeks ago... More for the stress releaser than anything else
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    Its hot yoga. They have the room set to i think 106 degrees and go through a routine of 26 poses.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I haven't tried bikram, but from what I understand it's a cardio paced yoga/ work out, done in a really really hot room. So I imagine anything you can stomach before a long run on a hot summer's day would be fine, they just want to make sure nobody eats anything that will make them sick,

    I wish my dance studio advised people of this. We get girls trying out pole classes all the time, and because classes start at 5pm, a lot of them had just finished supper. Not a great idea before you go and do lots of spinning and turning upside down =/
  • tnoel1105
    I attend Bikram yoga. I usually do it at 8 on Saturday mornings, but yesterday I went at 7pm and ate about an hour before and I was fine.

    Also. I don't think that calculator is accurate. Granted, you WILL sweat a ton, but I honestly don't think you burn as many calories as that calculator says. So beware on your calorie intake that day. I estimated b/w 600-700 calories for my 90min session based on some other information I found online.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I've tried bikram but it wasn't for me at all. I found it very boring and that combined with the heat made it unbearable. That said, if you're a yoga fan then I'm sure you'll love it.

    Hope you enjoy it
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    I've done Bikram Yoga about 5 times in my life, and LOVED it! I haven't been more because the studio by my house is kind of expensive, and I already have another gym membership. I am also a runner (average 3-5 miles per run), and for the past 9 weeks have done a Boot Camp at my gym. It ends tomorrow, and I've decided that for the next two weeks I'm going to do Bikram 3-4x per week - just for a change of pace. The class I'm going to go to is at 6:00am, so I'm not sure about eating before - I probably won't eat before the first class, and see how that goes.

    I've always been SO curious about the REAL number of calories burned. When I went before, I didn't have a HRM, but I do now and plan to wear it to see where I end up. I'll let you know how it goes - first class will be next Monday morning!

    Be careful running 4 miles and doing Bikram on the same day. Bikram's no joke. Don't be scared of it, but it's tough. It's really hot in there, and some people can't handle the heat. I've always heard that on your first time ever, your goal should be to just make it through the entire class - even if you don't do every pose, sit there for the entire 90 minutes.

    You'll love it though. It's so great for flexibility and balance. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    I agree, I think the calculator is a bit of an over-estimate. I guess it at about 400-600 calories and it told me 1000+.

    It is really intense and you'll probably lose a lot of water weight. Just be sure to drink plenty of water and give yourself about an hour after a small meal beforehand.
  • MelissaSosa2
    MelissaSosa2 Posts: 10 Member
    I used to do Bikram Yoga all of the time. I agree that running 4 miles on the same day will be a big strain on your system - ESPECIALLY if you are doing Bikram for the first time. The heat tends to make people dizzy and want to vomit. However, you can go through the motions and take small breaks and not give 100% effort the first time and not feel overwhelmed.

    I think you can get away with eating an hour before - but only a snack. If you go to the class on a full stomach - you will probably throw up.

    Bikram is amazing for flexibility and lengthening muscles; running shortens and tightens muscles this will make for a nice balance for you. I think when I was doing Bikram consistenly, I lengthened my spine and grew half an inch! After doing for some time you feel rejuvinated and almost high when you leave a class. It really is amazing. Its too bad the classes are so expensive!

  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I was doing Bikram yoga 3 times a week a couple years ago (stupid me for stopping).

    I found it really good - but it was time consuming. my class was 90 minutes and then you have to get there early and also clean up after, shower etc.

    Definitely eat 2 hours before going - and drink a TON of water all day before you go. Plus bring a massive bottle of water and something to eat after. I hear apples and or club soda is good, replace some sodium.

    I found after my first class - my metabolism went crazy fast. I was starving...I think this is normal. Also I was very very tired.

    all in all - it's a really good workout (IMO) and you will feel amazing after a couple sessions.

    one more thing - in your first class, you may get dizzy a few times, and understnad it's best to just lay down and take a break.

    ask lots of questions and im sure they will be more than happy to answer your questions b efore the classes...

    have fun and be ready to sweat!!!!