new here!!!

Where to begin. Well let's see. I'm a 30 year old male that has always been very active with sports and on and off weight training, but I have never had the perfect body nor am I looking for the perfect body. I was content with having a little meat on my bones and not having a so called 6 pack. I'm very into cars, motorcycles, and basically anything with a motor in it as well. So once spring and summer time hits I'm always at car shows and such so I get a lot of walking doing that. I'm also an electrician so I have a pretty physical job as well.

He's my story as to why I'm here. Back in August I was at a bike run to help raise money for The Boys & Girls Club in the area I'm from and was playing basketball with a bunch of the kids there. So I went in for a lay-up and when I came down I landed on my left foot but instead of my knee bending the proper way it bent of to the side and I heard a loud noise that I've never heard before and felt a pain I've never felt before as well. So off to the emergency room I go. They basically tell me to stay off of it for a week and see if it returns to normal. A week later still can't bare much weight on it, so call my DR he sees me and immediately makes an appointment for me to see an Orthopedic Surgeon. So I see him and he check out my knee and sends me for an MRI. Week later results come in and I ended up rupturing my ACL tendon and tearing it as well. Sends me off to PT to strengthen my hamstring since I getting my hamstring graphed to replace the tendon. So I complete the surgery and recovery is coming along great. I was originally told that I wouldn't be cleared to go back to work until close to the end of February. Well I was determined to try and get recovered before that. Well I did, I got medically cleared to go back to work the week of Christmas.

Here is what made me gain weight. As I stated before I'm an electrician. Well during my recovering from my surgery the company I was working for released me cause they held my position for 12 weeks already and couldn't hold it any longer. That took place in the beginning of November. So with them doing that I lost my medical insurance and my short term disability ended at the same time. Depression kicked in. I did my home exercises for my knee but didn't bother with anything else. Didn't care what I ate or how much I ate. My activity level dropped tremendously.

Well here we are today. I woke up Sunday morning and was in a pretty good mood. So I go get ready to go about my normal day with my girlfriend and her son and I decide to step on the scale. I put on 25lbs since my injury and was completely devastated. When I saw 215 on it I freaked. I'm at my heaviest weight and was disgusted with myself. So I changed my diet and my activity level that day and I've already gone done 1.5" on my waist and dropped 4lbs as well.

I posted up on Facebook about how disgusted I was about my weight and such and a friend of mine recommend I sign up to this site, that it'll help me keep track of my diet and workout routines as well and get support from other members.

I'm extremely happy with signing up here it's only been 4 days here and it's already made an impact on me.

Feel free to send me a friend request always looking for motivation and to help give motivation as well.

Sorry for my rant, but thanks for listening :)