Can I be loosing weight too quickly...

Blr31977 Posts: 49
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been on a pretty strict diet for a little over 2 months and I faithfully do minimum 45 minutes a day of zumba on my XBox 360 everyday. I'm loosing weight but I think I've lost it too quickly and I'm a little concerned that i'm not eating enough.. Usually I have a Med DD coffee with 2 splendas and 1/2 & 1/2 and a piece of fruit for breakfast (not a big morning eater). Then for lunch I have a cup of Select Harvest Chicken noodle soup or something similar. I'll snack on a fiber one bar around 3 and then dinner around 6 (small portion of what ever I cook for my family). I usually do my zumba around 7pm so if I'm hundry I'll have a bowl of cereal around 8:30.. Do you think I'm eating enough? My original weight was 204 and I weighed myself this morning and I'm 174. Super shocked! Some advise would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks.. :flowerforyou:


  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Are you logging everything? If so, MFP should tell you if you are eating too much or too little based on the number left under REMAINING!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    From what you are giving us I would say no, you are not eating enough. Try eating What MFP gives you. Your daily goal plus the caloires burned from exercise. MFP does all the work for you just follow what it suggests and you will lose your goal amount of weight/week.
  • kendallan
    kendallan Posts: 79 Member
    I say you are fine. I ve lost 7-8 pounds this past week. I know doctors say you should lose 1-2 pounds a week but losing it quickly is normal especilly if you over weight. your detox-ing and losing pounds and inches. its a good thing. just make sure you are getting enough fiber in your diet and staying away from sugars.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    How many calories does that add up to in the food diary?
    I would say you are not eating enough...and one thing to consider is can you eat like that for the rest of your life? if not, when you change how you eat, you will most likely put all of the weight back on (the yo-yo effect)
  • Monica_in_MO
    Monica_in_MO Posts: 162 Member
    Like you, I have been eating clean and exercising 6 days a week for about 8 weeks. I started out at 218 and am now at 190. To date, I have lost 28 pounds. I always eat my 1300 calories and make sure that I am eating tons of veggies, lean protein, whole grains, and some fruits. I feel wonderful. Since this was such a radical change from my previous behavior, my body threw off a LOT of weight at first. Average of 4-5 lbs for the first 4 weeks. Now, it has leveled out and I am right at 1.5-2 lbs/week. I think we shocked our bodies and it took them a bit to adjust! : ) Just make sure you are eating substantial foods that will sustain your exercise habits and keep you feeling energetic. Best of luck in your journey!
  • Blr31977
    Blr31977 Posts: 49
    I eat about 1200-1300 calories most of the time but sometimes im under at like 1000. I feel great and I have alot of energy but It does seem like alot.. Maybe I did just shock my body and thats the reason im loosing..

    According to MFP Im not eating enough calories.. Im under by like 300-400 cals. Maybe I need to eat more fruits and vegetables...

    Thanks for the info everyone... :happy:
  • kendallan
    kendallan Posts: 79 Member
    the mfp tells me to eat 1200 a day and i am sorry but there is no way i am going to lose anything eating 1200 a day unless i am slamming cheeseburgers, pizza and chicken. i am a vegan and most of the foods i eat are extremely healthy and do ont have a high calorie content. i eat a lot of raw veggies. i like to log in everyday and check my progress and weigh in however i am always under my calorie goal but i feel completely fine . . .i think there are stats then your body and your body tells you what you need. i do not think a person needs 1200 calories every day to live comfortably. i think mentally yes but physcially no.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    If you aren't getting those calories then your body goes into starvation mode and will eventually start sotring EVERYTHING you eat because you really aren't giving it enough. Eating less than that is unhealthy!! Not to mention if you lose 10lbs by eating too little, chances are you will end up gaining 20 back.

    I am comfortable I get to 12-1300 even though it says 15-1800 with my exercise sometimes. But usually I try to eat back the exercise calories as it recommend. you have to fuel your body. Try eating more fruits and veggies that are high in calories. Like a decent sized banana has about 100 calories!
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