Those who go to the gym at the same time...

BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
Hi! So I used to ping pong my gym time all over my schedule (I'm in college and I'd fit it in wherever I could). But now I get up at 5:40 and head to the gym at the same time and I love getting it done early. But I do tend to trail off with it if I don't make it a solid habit (I've been doing this for 2 weeks and so far so good). So for the question - for those who go at the same time every day (especially in the morning), do you go to the gym even on your "rest day" and do some really light cardio or anything that keeps you in the gym to help the habit stick? Thanks!


  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Whoops - I didn't mean to post this here haha. I'll repose elsewhere. Sorry!