Those who work out at the same time everyday...

Hi! So I used to ping pong my gym time all over my schedule (I'm in college and I'd fit it in wherever I could). But now I get up at 5:40 and head to the gym at the same time and I love getting it done early. But I do tend to trail off with it if I don't make it a solid habit (I've been doing this for 2 weeks and so far so good). So for the question - for those who go at the same time every day (especially in the morning), do you go to the gym even on your "rest day" and do some really light cardio or anything that keeps you in the gym to help the habit stick? Thanks!


  • sdhorne
    sdhorne Posts: 69 Member
    I go every morning at the same time (work allowing) during the week and then Saturday morning and early on Sunday afternoon. On my rest days I usually stay away from the gym unless I am just going to use the hot tub or hang out by the pool.
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I go to the gym every morning at 9 - there's a show I can watch during that time when I do my cardio so it's nice. I'm also in college, and last semester I pingponged as well, this semester my earliest class isn't until 2pm (i HATE that)... so I at least get my gym time done quickly.

    My rest day is Thursday, because I have class 2 - 8:45, straight through, so if I work out I'm super tired. But some weeks, I do go and just get on the elliptical at a lower intensity and don't push myself, just because I need to go to get my mind off things or just want to go.
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    Your body will get used to the workout if you have it on a schedule, it helps to switch it up (if you can). I work full time and go to school part time so I'm like you in having to fit in it when I can. I always go Mon and Wed but will try and go on a Tuesday if I can and then take of Wednesday.
    It is very important for your body to rest so you don't want to spend too much time at the gym. Let your muscles heal and they will be ready to go for your next workout. I can really tell the difference in my workouts when I give my body a chance to heal, it's much more high impact.
  • knlamb10
    knlamb10 Posts: 33
    I do my workout every morning, first thing, so I have NO excuse later in the day to NOT do it. On my off day, I actually miss my workouts, but I tend to have my "off days" on a weekend cheat day as well. Which means, I can sleep in, have a heavier breakfast than normal... but when I think about it, the way I stager my "fat loss"calories every week, im really NOT cheating to much. But it sure feels like it! Consistensy creates habits. If it's alifestyle change doing it the same everyday is a good idea! Like they say "Just like brushing your teeth"
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i didn't give breaks when i felt like i was going to fall off of the wagon completely.. i tried not to give my self off time, even if i do a light jog, or even just getting ready and driving to the gym was got me going. if i did take a day off i never let it be two consecutive days.. i know people are going to say you need rest, but i know that was the only way i would get myself to make it a part of my lifestyle, not something i had to do, or something i hate doing. its a part of me now, i feel weird and grouchy if i dont go, and i love it!
  • primus_guy
    primus_guy Posts: 53 Member
    I get up early every morning (around 4:30am). This gets me to the gym soon after it opens. I do three days of weights and two of cardio work. On Saturday and Sunday my gym doesn't open until 8am. So on Saturday's I'd the P90 3-4 cardio program in my family room. Sunday is then my off day of exercise but I take care of some house work before my kids wake up. While I don't exercise on Sundays, I don't treat it as a free day for food. Once or twice a week I might have a free meal but that's it.

    This works best for me so I get the workouts in before daily distractions get in the way of my exercise.