plateau experts!!

So your body hit a plateau when it gets used to the same thing everyday...correct? I've hit a plateau and don't want this to happen again. I've heard about zigzag dieting but am curious... Does your body hit a plateau when you have the same deficit each day even if your calories eaten and burned are different each day? Or should I try and get my deficit at a different number eac day? I already have different workouts for the week and heard that helps mixing it up. Any advice?


  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi there, how long have you been experiencing this plateau! I experienced a true plateau which lasted around 2 months. :sad:

    Yes, mixing your routines up will help boost weight loss...if you focus upon cardio based workouts then try working out with weights. I havn't seen much evidence regarding zig zagging calories and it wasn't successful for me, but I'm not saying it wont work. If you are eating the same foods constantly, try and change these too.

    Make sure your water intake is as high as it can be without being detrimental to your health. I increased my water and changed to cardio focused exercise and started losing again.

    Hope I've helped a little.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    When you're at a plateau it's a good time to evaluate. Are you logging EVERYTHING you eat? (yes, the cream in your coffee and the sugar-free mints do count.) Are you really getting enough exercise? If the answer to what you are doing indicates this is a real plateau and not something you are doing subconsciously, then you need to make a decision: Are you really at the weight where you should stay? If not, then by all means look at how to switch things up. Maybe your exercise intensity isn't enough. Maybe you are eating too many simple carbs even though you're staying in your calorie range and need to change to lower carb foods like vegies.
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    I try to change my foods and exercise about once every 2 weeks and that helps some. but as of right now I have only lost like 1 1/2 pounds in a month. :( so I may be of no help!
    I do think I am gaining muscle so I am not to sad about it. I went from doing P90x to having surgery , and doing nothing but sit and do nothing unless I had to, for about 6 months. I know I lost alot of muscle during that time, I never really gained alot of weight over that 6 months maybe 8 pounds but my body change a lot!! it got really soft and saggy :( not sexy lol... SO sometimes when you are not losing pounds you may be losing inches and fat. I have lost like 2 inches on my waist this past month so I know I am gaining muscle at about the same rate I am losing fat. you may be too.. :) WOW I ramble on alot!!! haha!
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I have a friend who signed up for a year-long Curves membership years ago, and she always talks about how she didn't lose weight because she would go every day and not try. I would suggest stepping up the intesity of your workouts and see what that does.
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    i just plateaued for 2 weeks... finally started taking notice of everything and realised im wasn't eating enough fiber.
    a couple of days of high fibre diet and im very much back on track, losing and feeling so much better too.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I was at a plateau for a month. A MONTH!

    Logging every single thing that passed my lips... and I weigh and measure everything. I get in good workouts a minmum of 4 days a week.

    I finally increased my calories. From 1630 a day (which gave a 1000 calorie deficit per day) to 1850. And I even had a day of 2000 calories tossed in. Suddenly 2 pounds just dropped right off that same week.
  • losing4myself
    Thank you all. And I drink enough baseline for water intake is one gallon per day but sometimes I get more in depending on activity. I love my fiber and choose whole grains whenever possible. I count every single calorie I put into my body. Even those 2 calorie or so tic tacs I have on accasion, lol!! I'm hoping that by upping my caloires I will get out of this. I really beleive this is brought on by eating too little!! Thanks again everybody :flowerforyou: