Last few pounds!

speedyv Posts: 5
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all. I have just discovered this fantastic app that I hope will help me shed the last few pounds that I want to get rid of.
I am an avid exerciser bordering on obsessed with the high that training gives me. I have been doing weights and cardio for the last 15 months for 6 days a week and have totally transformed my body from a flabby 41 mum of 2 teenagers to better than it was on my wedding day 20 years ago.
I have a body fat of 13.1 which was measured with callipers and two very nice personal trainers who were trying to flog me some sessions! I feel I have come so far but at 151 pounds height 5 ft 5 in and a size 12, I feel I could lose another 11 pounds which are so stubborn to come off. This tracker should help me stop eating over my allowance and track the right nutrition that I need to fuel my workouts. I don't believe in starvation and I have to eat properly to maintain the muscle I have gained and not gain fat again. I don't want to be skinny but I only weigh 2 pounds less than my husband who is 5 ft 7 in and ripped but more of a cardio addict.
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