40 day challenge!

edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
So I decided I would participate in Lent this year as a personal diet challenge.

I am not religious but it will give me a good framework to try and stick to omitting certain things from my diet and see how I hold up.

I was, however, raised in a Catholic household. So, even though I do not practice the religion, a good enough amount of guilt was instilled in my young mind to still leave an impression.

I had to think hard about what to "give up" for 40 days and eventually settled on cheese (with the exception of cottage and feta due to their low fat content), fried foods (I have a hard time saying no to a happy meal or a bag of cape Cod chips), and cookies (We make amazing cookies at my work place).

It is now day two of my personal challenge and I have been holding up pretty well. I find that it helps to have my food mapped out for the day ahead of time. That way I know what and when I will be eating. If I plan ahead I know what to crave when I start getting hungry which makes it a lot easier to say no to bad things.

One huge challenge I foresee is my wonderful husband. If you have read my blog before you will know that he has been blessed with a metabolism that goes very very fast. So, for him, eating half a pizza is not a big deal. So when he suggests such things for meals he doesn't realize why I verge on a nervous breakdown. Last night the lovely gentlemen was so kind as to bring home an entire package of thin mints.

Thanks to some unseen force the chocolate had turned slightly white in hue, which is still edible, but a turn off for me! THANK YOU UNSEEN COOKIE GODS! That temptation was easy to say no to!

My hope is that when this weekend rolls around I can stick with it! Wish me Luck!

P.S. Has anyone heard of Sunday being a cheat during Lent? Or was this just a weird rule my mother made up?


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