New from Kentucky

Hi I am Alicia. I am a 36 year old housewife and stay-at-home mom. I've been married for over 19 years and I have a wonderful daughter who will be turning 18 this summer. My goal is to become healthy and more confindent in myself. My husband and I will be empty nesters this coming fall and I desire to be healthier and happier. Having my only child move on to college will be hard but I am hoping to make it a positive. Maybe I will be able to focus more on myself rather than keeping everyone happy in the house. I have come to MFP for support and guidance. Losing weight is not anything new to me. I have lost 160 plus pounds before but failed to work on maintaining. No one really prepared me for the battle of keeping weight off. This time I know it's going to be a lifestyle change. I am excited to see everyone's progress and feeback on this site. Right now I'm alone in this war so a partner would be nice. I do battle diabetes and I am on insulin. I also have been recently diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and a Vitamin D deficiency. So energy is something I lack on a daily basis. I hope to find new energy as the weight comes off.


  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hello and welcome to mfp. :)
  • Mischabella
    Welcome to MFP :) You will totally love it here..the support is great.Feel free to add me :)