Had My First Weigh In Since MFP



  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Really? So do u just ensure u only eat amount allowed? I was negative in some areas.. Today is my first day

    I usually come in way below in all areas that I bother to monitor. Which is the default 3 they recommend. Ive only come close to eating my whole calorie amount once. The rest of the time Im anywhere between 300 and 1500 cals below. But then being bigger, I get 2800 calories a day. Thats way too many. I never eat back exercise calories cuz I just cant even get the normal ones.

    My main tips are these:

    1) Calorie Cycling. I usually try to have low, low, high, low, high, low.. etc, in any combo I like. Its very effective.

    2) I NEVER eat more than a salad size plate (the 8 inch or so ones) of food.

    3) I NEVER have seconds, even if its healthy food. I can wait til my next snack.

    4) I eat when I am hungry. Even if its at midnight just before bed. I just make sure its healthy and whatnot. Walnuts are a fave cuz they have fat to last me and lots of nutrients.

    5) Im not perfect. I accept that. I allow some treats a day. I have learned that a half serving of the "indulgence" foods is plenty. I have kids, so its easy to split portions in half.

    6) I am an emotional eater. I accept this too. I do NOT always accept the fact that I need to eat to stuff down the feelings. I always an effort to not do this. However, I am not always successful. I do forgive myself and move on with the next meal... NOT the next day. The next meal or snack.

    7) I accept that bad days will happen. I dont beat myself up over it. I chalk it up to a learning experience and try to analyze what I was feeling.

    8) I try to move some everyday. Right now with my weight and previous level of activity, anything is better than nothing.

    9) I mainly drink iced tea or water. Thats it. I occasionally, if I eat out, have a pop. But I cant afford to eat out much, so thats rare.

    10) I plan the night before what I am going to eat and then adjust accordingly.

    11) And final thing I do.... I eat full fat versions of cheese, sour cream, etc... I make sure its all natural and watch like a hawk portion sizes. I HATE fat free. Good for you if you do, but to me it doesnt melt and tastes like crap. lol. Fat is good for us in moderation. Even animal fat. Otherwise we wouldnt be able to eat meat. Even some fruits and veggies have fats in them. Just got to moderate it....

    ETA: Oh wait! One more... I use the 1/4,1/4,1/2 rule. Thats plate division. 1/4 meat, 1/4 carb, 1/2 veggies (not fruit!). I do eat fruit but only as a snack or breakfast accompaniment.

    EVERYTHING IN MODERATION... Thats my motto. And Im going to stick to it.

    ETA AGAIN: To add that this is what I do and what works for me. What works for me may not work for others.
  • Cyndi146
    Cyndi146 Posts: 411 Member
    What a fun surprise to weigh yourself after that much time. Wish I could wait that long :) Congratulations!!
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    I think that's absolutely wonderful :flowerforyou: Good for you!!! But don't get disappointed when the weight loss diminishes. This can be a long process...but I think it's fabulous that you're off to a great start!!!

  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    WOOHOO Tannie. That is awesome. Way to go, great work!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Wow, that is great. keep up the good work. MFP is amazing.
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