I have lost 56 lbs and have 27 lbs to go.

I am having some difficulty getting results lately. I haven't lost much in the last three months. I am working out usually 6-7 days a week. I walk three miles in a hr and do strength training 2-3 times a week. My husband believes I am not eating enough of my caories. My brain wants to eat as few as possible usually around my 1200 cal even with exercise. I am now trying to eat more of my exercise calories as well. Any suggestions?


  • InMyJeans
    InMyJeans Posts: 87 Member
    If your diet is good I would suggest switching up your workout. Instead of walking 3 miles, try to run or job 3 miles (if possible). Your burn more calories and save time when working out. The more weight you lose, the harder it will for you to drop as much weight as you did when you started. You lost 56 lbs! Congrats to that!