How to Say NO to Mom Food

FWBP Posts: 24 Member
My roommates Mom is coming over tonight to make dinner for us. She happens to be an AMAZING...BEYOND AMAZING cook. The issue is that the reason her food is so delicious is that it's filled with more butter than Juila Child's recipes.

Any advice on how to politely eat only a tiny bit without offending her? She's the sweetest lady.



  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    you can work out to get a few more calories...or

    just fill up on veggies/salad as your largest part of the meal and have a small portion of what she makes and enjoy it :)
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    if you explain to your roommate's mother that it is not that you do not like her cooking/ is just that you are making healthy food choices...maybe she will understand

    also...I find it helpful to explain to people that if I have a taste, I cannot stop after just one bite!

    would it be helpful for your roommate to tell her Mom before she arrives?
  • cougs12
    cougs12 Posts: 92
    i have the same problem with my mil when we visit. i usually take a little portion and then add the fruits and veggies that she always has as sides. if she offers seconds i usually refuse politely and say maybe i'll eat some more of the food another day.
  • kendallan
    kendallan Posts: 79 Member
    julia child dishes? oh man i feel you on that one. :( you should just tell her you are on a strict diet and you really shouldnt eat any of it. they will give you more props for not cheating then if you cheat. people who stick to their plans are looked up to. you appear to be focus and dedicate. and also when you cheat and eat something you know you shouldt the guilt afterwards is really a downer.
  • gh057gurl
    gh057gurl Posts: 2 Member
    My mom has always been my worst enemy when it comes to weight loss. She worries that I don't have food and goes out and buys stuff I don't need to be eating.
  • cheangela
    cheangela Posts: 173
    Awww, that is so sweet of her! What a predicament!

    Something that works for me is to dish up a massive plate like I would have prior to making pesky "convictions" and having that other c word nagging at me... commitment. I take very VERY teeny bites and chew super slowly as to not draw attention to the fact that I'm really not eating much. By the time everyone else is heading off for seconds, graciously thank the chef and commend her on making such a deliciously rich meal that suprisingly "hit the spot" already. Then I'll pull out the freezer bags and tupperware to box it up for tomorrow's "lunch." I have a bunch of really rich delicious meals in my freezer right now that I indulge in after a long run or a really hard workout day.... and it takes no effort. You would be suprised how perfect most foods remain even after freezing.

    Best wishes to you!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Pretend you aren't feeling well. Seriously. That way her feelings won't be hurt. Moms from certain generations equate feeding people with love, and if she sees you aren't eating she will think you don't like it, or say that you are making healthier choices, she will not appreciate that you are calling her cooking unhealthy.
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 671
    You can get an extra workout in ahead of time or you can just tell her that you are trying to lose weight and have a salad before she gets there.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    If it's only one night and it's stuff you can eat, maybe just take a break for the night or just eat very small portions? If you can't do that, then I'd be honest and say you are on a special diet. Tell her up front so that she doesn't feel bad that she fixed it for you and you aren't eating it.
  • cheangela
    cheangela Posts: 173
    OOOh! I almost forgot this other tactical genius....

    "Oh, mom, I'm sooooo sorry I'm not very hungry at all. See, my boss really wanted to treat me to [**insert special treat you love here**] to celebrate my achievements doing [***some random benign task that would not land you in the news and/or jail***]. I couldn't insult him/her... I hope you understand. I only did it to better my career..."

    Mom's dig that.
  • spencer72
    spencer72 Posts: 18
    Lots of good tips so far, here's one more for the pile:

    Drink water! A few glasses prior to dinner and your brain will automatically know that after a few butter-laden bites it will be time to stop.

    And if those recipes are good remember to share them with some of your hungry MFP friends!
  • FWBP
    FWBP Posts: 24 Member

    The result: She brought over a TON of yummy food in tupperware and her and my roommates have gone out for Thai food. Huzzah! Success beyond my control.

    Thanks for the excellent feedback...will use many of your sneaky tactics in the future ;)