
I am Mary Jo and I have just started today. I am hoping that with this web site I can make myself more accountable for what I eat and how much I exercise. I have tried everything and maybe jumping into the 21st century and using the internet will help me reach my goals! :happy:


  • MJV40
    MJV40 Posts: 9
    I am Mary Jo and I have just started today. I am hoping that with this web site I can make myself more accountable for what I eat and how much I exercise. I have tried everything and maybe jumping into the 21st century and using the internet will help me reach my goals! :happy:
  • Kmn927
    Kmn927 Posts: 16
    Good Luck to you!! I have lost 19 lbs. so far. This journal helps me to control what I am putting i my mouth...LOL....
  • Saluna
    Saluna Posts: 56 Member
    Good Luck,
    I recently started and find this website very cool
  • pecksun8
    pecksun8 Posts: 570
    Welcome, and good luck! There is a lot of really good information on this site and bunch of great people who are willing to answer any questions that you might have!

    Welcome, and we are all wishing you motivation, determination, and strength!