Looking for Online buddies as well

Hey there! I am also looking for friends on here too. I am completely new to counting calories. I have always used another program that has recently changed and is no longer working for me. I saw this site on a post on the 'other' program I use so I thought I would give it a go. It looks great so far, but I still haven't counted one calorie yet lol. I have a feeling tomorrow may be a long day.......


  • foodie012
    foodie012 Posts: 11
    This wesite makes it really easy to stay on track. Take it one day at a time. Everyone here is so friendly and supportive and that really helps on those hard days. Let's be friends and stay on track together. :)
  • shari233
    shari233 Posts: 2
    Sure I will be your online Buddy, I'm not sure how to add people but will try
  • rbrducky
    rbrducky Posts: 34 Member
    You will love MFP! This site makes it super easy to keep track of everything you eat. You name it, there's a 98% chance you can search it and it'll tell you all the nutritional facts about it! It's nice because if you plan on going out to eat you can look up things to eat at that restaurant and it helps you decide what to order, although it is somewhat appalling to see how many calories are in some things! Good luck on your weight loss journey, feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • kkellam1
    kkellam1 Posts: 182 Member
    I have found it pretty easy to keep the logs current by using the phone app. The Android app is really simple to use and your meals can be logged in just a few seconds once you get going. I like to log everything just as I am either getting ready to eat it or cooking it. It keeps me focused on the choices that I am making. Same thing with exercise - I log it as soon as I am finished.