A relationship question - i hope you will take the time to r



  • LazyMogg
    LazyMogg Posts: 162
    Really, it's not fair to string this guy along. You don't fancy him at all otherwise you'd be feeling it. You're perhaps a bit lonely and he's easy prey but that's not good enough. You're not doing yourself or him any favours by keeping him on a leash so let him go and find someone who rocks your boat, honey.
  • sarahnicolexoxo
    I have known my fiance since I was 15 and he was 17. We flirted all through HS. We finally grew up and started seeing each other. I was not attracted to him all that much and just saw him as a friend. Even after making out, I was not feeling it. My heart was really closed off from being hurt so, I was really scared. He didn't give up on me though. I finally said screw it and let whatever happen, happen. Now we are getting married in 3 months and he is the love of my life. It takes time.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    if you want to see if you do have feelings or will have feelings for him just tell him that you dont feel that way right now, but would like to continue hanging out and getting to know him to see if it can go beyond that.

    agree...not sure how long u've known him but sometimes when u get to know someone better u understand their situation and maybe he does have aspirations but u dont knwo it yet depending how long u been "hooking up"

    i'm not saying settle but i wud keep hanging out and see how it goes, b ut stop hooking up cuz that will interfere with figuring out how u feel. lol
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    i am concerned, though, that you called him 292 times. even drunk, that's kind of over-the-top.

    i agree! damn girl what else did u drink lol
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    Worried about not having someone to cuddle with? Or whether or not to change your FB status? Really?

    If I didn't have 3 daughters, 2 of them your age, I would have passed this by, laughed, rolled my eyes and thought, wtf? But, I realize that you are serious and that it is a big deal to you.

    1. Drunk dialing someone 292 times? You know better.

    2. Worried about someone to cuddle? Be fair to this guy. If not being lonely equates to stringing someone along, do him a favor, dump him. I realize you don't want to hurt him, but you will hurt him more in the long run. You don't have to "dump him" . Just explain that you would prefer to have a friend than a lover.

    3. FB Status? I got nothing.

    Sorry, about how I might sound. I was 26 once (30 years ago). I know how this feels. But, having been there, I can honestly say, it'll pass and the real one could be out there right now looking for you. You don't want to be on FB, sending a "poke" to your wannabe and miss the real thing.

    To answer your other questions. When I met my wife, IT WAS obvious that she was the one. I proposed 6 weeks later. Secondly, I hope you, and my own daughters meet someone and love them as deeply as I love my wife and you experience the same commitment back.

    You're a beautiful girl with an obviously big heart. Don't settle.

    this. its excellent advice.
  • snookemz
    snookemz Posts: 82
    Don't be with someone if you're not proud to be with them

    Would you be ok knowing your boyfriend was embarassed of you?
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    Ok, I read much of the rest of this thread and I'm going to be the *kitten* and say this. Sounds like you guys are fck buddies. Yes..that's what it looks like to me. A lot of people are saying 'wtf who cares about the FB status aspect?" but the way I see it, you mention this because for you, it is akin to wearing his letter jacket in the 50's. It is the announcement that you two are official. While everything in your post screams to me that you love having the reassurance that you're an attractive woman, the sexual reciprocation, he's seems likable to you on many levels etc, you are essentially saying he really isn't dating material. He's not marriage material, he's not dating material, he's fling material. But you probably feel slightly guilty for thinking this way. You probably are a nice person and don't want to face the fact that you might, just a little itty bit, might be using him to boost your own ego. Please don't think I'm just bashing you, because I am not. These kinds of things are just a fact of life sometimes. Maybe I'm wrong. This is just how I'm reading the situation. It's ok if you're having casual sex with this dude, as long as it's consensual and you know why you're there. Don't try to lie to yourself and make it something it isn't. There's a fine line between settling and overlooking the diamond in the rough. I just sense from reading this post that the real spark isn't there. That you don't even want to admit that you're having a relationship with him to your friends says a lot. I wonder if you've told anyone at all in your circle that you're 'hooking up' with this guy. Most girlfriends tell each other that.
    If he wants more (and he surely does, you're a beautiful girl) you need to let him go. You cannot justify further continuing a casual sex relationship with him to shore up your levels of affection and ego petting honey. You need to release him and be kind if he is wanting and expecting more. That's what you should be able to do if you're a grown up baby :) Best wishes.