Whoop whoop got my TurboFire DVDs yesterday...

...scared now LOL :laugh:

Am planning to start after I've finished 30 Day Shred which I'm half-way through.

I'm a bit surprised that the prep-schedule is 9 weeks long - do you follow the entire thing before you start the 12-week TF programme itself??? I don't know whether my cardio base is strong enough to leap straight into the TF workouts themselves...

Any thoughts?


  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    I know the feeling. I'm starting mine on Mon. I think I'm going to skip the prep schedule and jump into the 12 week one. But if I find that too challenging then going back to the prep one. I have been doing a combination of Chalean Extreme and TurboJam so I think I should be okay, but we'll see! Can't wait to start something new!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Excellent! I will be starting mine soon. I bought my bonus set for $50 but just resold it on ebay for $122. I'm just going to burn a copy for mself rather than buying another $50 set. Should be fun! Good luck.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Don't be nervous about jumping in to Turbo Fire. You're not supposed to excel at it on day 1 and I promise, from personal experience, that it may take a couple of attempts before you get a routine all the way down. It's ok...just do what you can do and don't give up. Some of the workouts took me 3 or more tries before I could get all the way through. I completed my first round of TF in December and am working on my 2nd in combination with Chalean Extreme. You will get there.

    If you have any questions or need some encouragement don't hesitate to ask. There are a lot of threads on MFP for people doing Turbo Fire. Look us up if you want!

  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    It looks great, I can't wait to start but I have to finish the Shred first, as I want to see if I get genuine results from that without adding in another programme. I doubt I will follow the "eating plans" though, I will just stick to what I've been doing so far.

    I got the bonus DVDs as part of my package on a UK site.

    It looks like a lot of fun at the same time as making you work! :smile:
  • shanhawk
    shanhawk Posts: 44
    Turbo Fire is a great workout. I LOVE it. I started with the prep schedule...Im finishing up the 9th week on Saturday. Then its on to the real deal. Like you I wanted to make sure I was up for the challenge...and to my suprise I have found the prep schedule to be awesome. So, good luck with your journey and enjoy your TF dvd's...you will love them!!

    Oh, be sure to use the "new to class" options it helps TONS!!
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Thanks guys. My OH watched the intro DVD yesterday (to make sure it worked) and said he was knackered just watching it!!! :laugh:
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I was 83lbs overweight when I started and I jumped right on with no prep class. I never did any type of cardio before that. It whooped my butt and then some but I kept pushing each day and byt the end of the 3rd week I was able to get through the full workouts without feeling like I was going to die. So i think it is safe to say you will be fine since you already have some cardio background.

    Don't be worried, just jump in!! I am now finishing up my 8th week now! I love it!!
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Wicked! :drinker:

    Also wanted to say what fab weight losses you all have. Go people!!!!! :happy:
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    I'm so excited because I got mine on Wednesday but I am going to start on Monday. I have been doing Turbo Jam so hopefully I can keep up.