
Fabulousityat40 Posts: 3
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello All

I recently purchased the P90x program however I have yet to start because I'm not sure what to do concerning the calories required to do the program. According to myfitnesspal, my caloric intake should be 1200 calories however according to P90x, my caloric intake should be between 2400 and 3000 calories. This would obviously take me well over my allotted calorie intake according tomyfitnesspal. Also, is anyone not following the nutrition plan to a T. Personally I would prefer to make up my own meal plan and think this can be done as long as I follow the daily intake recommendations, ex. 7 proteins for phase 1, level 2. Please provide me with some feedback so that I can know whether I should get started with this program or whether I should return it for another program. And if I return it, what other programs would you recommend. I've seen TurboFire and Intense on the website also. Does anyone have any info on these other programs?

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