can't break that 165!!

liznlu Posts: 16 Member
So I posted earlier this week, on Monday to be exact that I was going to follow MFP to the T. I have been exercising more .. I do exercise at the gym but this week I was jogging outside since the weather has been really good and I want to do my second 5K this summer. I started Monday weighing 169 then Wed I took a peek at the scale and saw 165, Yay! then this morning I took a peek at the scale and saw 167.6!! What gives? I have been staying within my calories. I was suprised to see a gain this morning since Thursdays are my busiest days and I am running around from place to place (I work for WW) and cover 3 meetings that are several miles from each other. Last night I had for dinner a huge salad with 2 tbs of balsamic vinegrette dressing and 3 oz of chicken. I treated myself to 1 cup of frozen yogurt but that shouldn't have caused me to gain 2 and a half pounds. I keep bouncing from 170-165 and can't seem to break this number.. I don't know what to do anymore!


  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    I went through 2 weeks exactly where you are. 165-170, depending on the time of day. Today I weighed in at 163. Knowing my body, for the next week I will weigh in between 163-166. Sometimes your body takes a week (or two) to "settle in" to the new weight. That is strictly my theory based on my results. Just stay the course and you will start to see patterns with your own weight loss. Good luck!
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Most advice is to only weigh in once a week or less, and at the same time of day each time - it can get demoralising otherwise, when you see fluctuations, which are quite natural
  • shelli1982
    shelli1982 Posts: 133
    I TRY to weigh in just twice a week but we all know how that goes. If you can't limit yourself, don't beat yourself up. I made a very healthy veggie stew earlier this week and ate it for lunch two days in a row. very few calories but about 800 mg of salt per serving. I weighed myself the second night I ate it and was very dismayed... However, the next night, I had to get up to use the bathroom twice (I think I had been bloated because of the salt) and by the next morning, my weigh-in, I had lost again.. So... I think even if we eat VERY healthy, our bodies deal with things like SALT in different ways and it takes time to get rid of it....

    The point of that long rant is NOT to get down, our bodies fluctuate all the time! And because like someone else said, sometimes our bodies need a week or so to "reset" at.. oh.. 165 :)

    Keep it up!
  • gertrude13
    i had a weighing scale at the foot of my bed, but i took it away after some time because i figured that my body was fickle about "settling" on a weight haha try weighing one a week, PROMISE you'll see awesome numbers :)
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Weight bounces around a lot in a week. Even over night I have seen me drop 2-4 lbs. Make sure you get enough water and sleep these are important for keeping a steadier weight but a lot of things factor when you weigh more than once a week.

    How far have you come already? Maybe try strength training and calorie(points if you're doing that) cycling. Strength may not help the scale move but measure too.
  • ecahill91
    ecahill91 Posts: 69
    This is my EXACT issue too! I've been at the same weight for 2 weeks now!!! I've been exercising like CRAZY, and eating within my calories (except just a couple of days). This happens to me like EVERY time I go on a diet - I plateau around 164-167lbs. Ugh, I'm with you on this one. I would love some great advice!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    U should not weigh too often, keep eating well and working out and u will see progress, watch that sugar it will make u gain quickly!....believe me I tested that out!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    lower your calories
  • maureen_capel
    165, Yay! then this morning I took a peek at the scale and saw 167.6!! What gives? I have been staying within my calories. I was suprised to see a gain this morning since Thursdays are my busiest days and I am running around from place to place (I work for WW) and cover 3 meetings that are several miles from each other. Last night I had for dinner a huge salad with 2 tbs of balsamic vinegrette dressing and 3 oz of chicken. I treated myself to 1 cup of frozen yogurt but that shouldn't have caused me to gain 2 and a half pounds. I keep bouncing from 170-165 and can't seem to break this number.. I don't know what to do anymore!

    I am seriously dismayed with even the same numbers fluctuating! I hit that beautiful 164 several times, but keep going back and forth between it and 167. I am with you! I have tried to fluctuate my calories to keep my body guessing, but that has only caused gain. I am trying to focus on my measurements and clothes fitting differently because of exercise, but it's hard. I am with you!!! Positive vibes for us to get past these dreaded numbers!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I have co workers who weigh themselves every day or more than once a day and drive themselves crazy with it. I weigh once a week and have battled to stay positive even when the scale doesn't move.

    I am trying to change at least one thing when I'm stuck and it has been working for me. For example, I'm making a real effort to keep my sodium way under the 2500 mark that mfp allows. I am trying EatStopEat for March which is a kind of forced calorie cycling thing. I gave up Splenda. I added a noontime walk to my day. Since the first change at the end of February I'm down 9 pounds.

    I suggest that you change at least one thing for a week and see what happens.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I weigh myself right when I wake up, but do not do this every day, I try and do it about every two weeks. I know that if I weigh myself later on in the day I will end up weight 3 to 5 pounds more. Also, depending on where I am on my monthly cycle, I will also see some weight gain. Measure yourself and take pictures, don't just depend on the scale for results ;)
  • alyssa83202
    alyssa83202 Posts: 334
    If you're being totally honest with yourself when logging your food and exercise, just keep pushing through and I'm sure that you'll see a loss soon! Good luck! :)
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