totally disgusted



  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I noticed that I was losing inches before I saw much on the scale. I am now fitting in clothes I have not worn since before I got pregnant and I've only lost about 6 pounds. YOu have to stay positive and know that this is a lifestyle change. The results will come. Everyone's body is different. But it will happen, I promise.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    How do i open my diary? Is that so people can see what I'm eating etc?

    Yes- seeing what you are eating is really important to knowing if you are inadvertantly making common mistakes. Typical ones I see are:

    1) Eating to calories but eating junk- You will lose this way, but your weight will flucuate WILDLY because your body has a harder time processing junkier foods and the sodium levels are usually off the charts making water weight .

    2) Not eating ENOUGH - It's a common misconception that MFP gives you X amount of calories a day and you should eat only that. In reality, you should be eating that goal in NET calories. There is an equation on your homepage that shows this. It looks like this:


    Your goal each day is to make your NET number match your GOAL number.

    3) Not logging on the weekends- Just because you are "good" M-F doesnt mean that you can just chill for the weekends- you can still do serious damage then.

    Other mistakes not found in the diary, but typical of new dieters:
    - Thinking of weight as a constant thing- You have a weight RANGE, not a WEIGHT. From morning til night my weight can fluctuate 4 lbs or more and I'm pretty consistent in what I eat and when. Weigh in at the same time, on the same day of the week, wearing the same clothes- EVERY WEEK. Go to the bathroom first. Only compare weights week to week, not day to day. If you take your weight daily, only compare it to where you were at that time last week, not where you were the day before.

    -Thinking that weight will come off consistently every day/week/month- Your body does what it wants, which includes losing a ton one week. Commit to living as healthy as you can for 1 week for every lb you want to lose- the scale will take care of itself

    - Not realizing weight is a part of your body composition- when you lose 5 or 10 lbs your body needs to adjust to that change. Your organs, your internal make up - every part of you is affected by this change. Sometimes you won't lose just because your body can't handle it right that moment.

    Ok sorry for the board lecture. Without your diary, these are the culprits I would guess you should be looking for.
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    You have a lot of great advice here already.

    I do want to tell you that you are not alone on this. If I had one thing to share with you it would be to grow your MFP Family. When I added people to MFP they quickly became family. When I am down they lift me up beyond words, and I like to think I do the same for them. So add people that can become your MFP Family. Not all personalities will mesh well, but you will never know until you try. :flowerforyou: