After 4th of July

I pigged out this past weekend and I drank a lot for the first time in like 4 months. The thing is I can't stop wanting to eat. Its getting worse by the day. I eat lots of thing I shouldn't.I will try to get back to my diet but its hard.:frown:


  • casey34472
    casey34472 Posts: 280 Member
    I pigged out this past weekend and I drank a lot for the first time in like 4 months. The thing is I can't stop wanting to eat. Its getting worse by the day. I eat lots of thing I shouldn't.I will try to get back to my diet but its hard.:frown:
  • bleachcse
    bleachcse Posts: 148 Member
    I did that same thing after the 4th. Today was my first full day totally back on plan. I wasted so many calories these last few days. :sad: It feels good to be back. Trust me, it's nice to eat all that junk at the time, but feels so much better to know you're doing things right again.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I totally feel the same way...the weekend of the fourth was disaterous. But I'm finally showing a loss of 2 lbs although I think I started out heavier than my cruddy home scale is showing. My problem is the glass or two of wine I like to have sometimes during the week with dinner. I feel ridiculously bloated and I don't have a problem with eating too much while tipsy. I saw your other post about drinking 1200 cals as opposed to eating them. You'd still lose the same amount of weight but I don't think you'd feel so well. There was a post in the past about how alcohol affects weight loss regardless if you stay in your calories....I shall hunt it down for you...