cheat days



  • mamafoofer
    I hate the idea of calling them "cheat days"...makes it sound like we are doing something sneaky, shady and just plain wrong. and it makes the idea of the healthy choices we make seem like a punishment that we have to escape. This is about is ok to have foods you enjoy . Just, for those of use who struggle with weight, we have to be more cautious, work out extra and account for it in our calories. " everything in moderation, including moderation!".
  • DPruneda17
    DPruneda17 Posts: 124 Member
    Cheat days, makes you go, hmmm.... Many overweight people, not all, have food addictions. I can't imagine any other addiction where you would consider having cheat days: drugs, alcohol, etc. I arrived at this point of my life through a journey of various addictions, drugs, food, etc. So I personally don't consider cheat days. I committed to a lifestyle change and for me that's everyday.

    I love this. I think if you are serious about wanting to lose weight, you have to do it full-force. "cheating" every now and then should be when you hit maintenance, and can up your calories some. I do the 'one bite' cheat. If there is something yummy that I know I can't have, I just have one bite. I get the taste, but not the calories (or very very little) of something. And it helps when you feel like you haven't had any of your old favorites in a long time! To just have one bite of it.

    I would say if your planning a dinner out, just try and pick as good of choice as you can from the menu. And only eat a portion of it (half?). That way you can still enjoy your night out, and feel great later about making such a great choice! Have Fun!!
  • susu5
    susu5 Posts: 122
    If you do decide to have a meal that is higher in calories, then the next day drink a lot of water and of course exercise if you can.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    When it comes to cheat days I think it is up to the person. Cutting back on food along with what we are use to eating, sometimes we tend to "crave" it more. Cheat days can allow you not to feel constantly "deprived" from certain foods to where you one day may be like, I dont want to eat this.
  • colombiana444
    colombiana444 Posts: 133 Member
    I've been changing my life for the last 13mos and had success. That said, its been over the last two weeks that I have been super conscious about the food that I am eating. I seeing people talking about having cheat days and such but I'm undecided.

    Part of me would really like to go ahead and have a day where I was carefree about it. I'm out tomorrow with my best mate and would love to just order what I would like instead of what I should have. But part of me says that eating that way is what got me into this problem that I am fixing now. I'm making tomorrow a gym day (and perhaps a super gym day!) but not sure about the eating.

    I don't know as to whether I am looking for advice here or just ranting my insecurities.....:ohwell:

    I've read that having a cheat day boosts your metabolism. I much rather have a cheat meal but you can do some research about it.

    Here is an article i found that may help but feel free to research others:

    Fast & Easy Weight Loss – Discover How a Weekly Cheat Day Leads to Fast Easy Weight Loss

    Fri, Nov 12, 2010

    Easy weight loss

    Fast & easy weight loss is being achieved by thousands of people every day thanks to new research into how your hormones handle fat loss. This article shows you how taking a weekly “Cheat Day” and eating all of your favorite foods is not only allowed but is necessary for fast easy weight loss.

    How many diets have you been on? If you are like many you can’t even remember them all. The reason you find yourself going on diet after diet is because diets are set up to fail.

    Here is the problem with diets and why they haven’t produced the results you wanted.

    Up until about 10 years ago scientist were unaware of how hormones in your body regulated weight loss. At that time they uncovered a very important function carried out by a hormone called leptin. They found that leptin monitors your food or calorie intake and if the amount drops it sends a red flag up alerting the brain to the possibility of starvation.

    You see leptin cannot tell that you are voluntarily reducing your calories to lose weight, it just knows you are not getting as much food and as a result your body slams the brakes on your metabolism in an attempt to preserve your stored energy, i.e. FAT.

    That’s right, when you diet your body hoards fat and doesn’t let go. And as if that weren’t bad enough it also increases the belly fat storing hormone, cortisol, as well as the hunger stimulating hormone, ghrelin.

    This is why your dieting attempts have failed, I mean really, does this sound like a fast & easy weight loss plan? No way, but there is a solution that will get you quick results and you will love what I have to say next.

    The quickest way to lose weight is to Cheat! Yes, I am serious and no, I did not just make this up. In fact this has been one of the most researched new discoveries in weight loss and there are thousands of real life before and after photos if you need a bit of proof.

    Here is how it works. For 6 days of the week you diet keeping your calories low but not painfully low, you never want to starve yourself this works against fat loss, then on day 7 you cheat and overeat all of your favorite foods. Do you crave pizza? How about a burger and fries? Maybe ice cream and cake, they are all allowed on your cheat day. Did I say allowed? What I meant to say was needed.

    The purpose of the cheat day is to boost your metabolism and research shows that this is accomplished after about a day of overfeeding.

    Now I can hear your question, you are worried that you will gain weight on your cheat day and you will notice some water weight following your cheat day but studies have shown that your metabolism comes back faster than your body is able to create fat so your diet gets the upper hand and you get the added bonus of a fully pumping fat burning metabolism for the entire next week.

    Fast & easy weight loss is exactly what the cheat method is all about, pay attention because this is the new era of weight loss and you are right on the cutting edge
  • Sissy4EverX3
    I may have called it a "cheat day", but what it really is a "cheat meal". One meal per week, I allow myself the indulgence of a cheeseburger and fries. Or an ice cream cone. Anything to take the edge off. And it's working for me. It may not for others, but one meal a week without blowing an entire day, I think, is manageable. Takes the edge off, makes me guilty as heck, and reminds me I'm doing this for a reason. Bing, bang, boom -- right back on it!!

    Though I have to tell you... I realized today that McDonald's gives me uber-heartburn. I hadn't had anything fast food-ish in close to 2 weeks. Man, is my stomach yelling at me for it. :(