how many calories should i be eating??

Hiii, I'm New! :) I was just wondering how many calories i should eat to lose about 10 pounds.
My Stats are: Female, 20 years old, 5'5, 129 pounds. I workout for a half hour everyday.. ususally
burning about 300 cals.. Iv heard a lot of different answrers.. just wondering what you guys think..
thanks so much in advance!! :)


  • kitchentales
    If you go to your home page, and click "goals" in the dark blue bar at the top, you can put in your age, height, etc, and get your calorie intake and other nutrition goals.

    EDIT: Other than using MFP to calculate it for me, I have no idea how to figure this stuff out! The app on my iPhone asked me a bunch of questions, and came back with a net calorie intake.
  • bayabaya
    bayabaya Posts: 52
    yes i did... it seems veryyy low. 1300 calories? Idk it doesnt seem right to me.....
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    Trust MFP. If you put that information into your profile, go by what they gave you. (It will probably be 1200 a day + exercise calories based on your size)

    However, you are already right in the middle of a healthy weight and 10 pounds will take you to the bottom of a healthy range. You may find your body doesn't want to drop those few extra "vanity" pounds. Instead of trying to decrease your calories, increase your exercise. Throw in some strengh training, and you'll be golden!
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    Sorry, you replied while I was! 1300 sounds right. That is because you don't have anything really to lose. But you can eat the extra calories MFP adds back in when you exercise. That is what helped me when I got to the 1200 mark.
  • ssawchenko
    My current cals per day is roughly 1300 as well. I was given that number from both this site, and a nutritionist I talked to, so I don't think the calculations on the site are that far off.

    Given your height, gender and current weight, I think 1300 sounds roughly correct (give or take cals here and there depending on active vs. inactive days).
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I have transitioned to a very "clean" and natural way of eating so I often have a hard time getting in my 1200 to 1300 calories per day. The more you eliminate soda and processed foods the more you realize you can eat of healthy options.
  • CourtneyHiatt
    Depends on how fast you want to lose weight. I lose maybe around a pound every week and a half or so, and I only eat 865-900 calories a day. A lot of people say that's not safe, but I haven't had any problems with it and I've been dieting/exercising for almost 6 months now. Your best bet is probably around 1,000-1,200 calories. Don't just watch the calories though! I always watch carbs and sugar the most.
  • kitchentales
    I thought 1200 was REALLY low when I started with MFP. Then I started tracking my food, without altering my diet, and found that when I wasn't snacking on junk food and eating a well-balanced diet, I was right around 1300 calories in a day. Adding in a workout balanced it all out. I sit all day at work, so I don't need to eat as much as my boyfriend for example, who is a plumber and is constantly moving all day.