quick short term fix?



  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I don't like tap water either so I put a splash of juice in it so I can't taste the chlorine. It works.
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    since you eat a lot fo processed foods it is mostly down to your sodiium as there is an incredible amount of salt in them. I really would start running, preferably first thing in the morning. As you wake up your body has been starved of sugar overnight so if you exercise first thing, even just a short run the energy required will come mostly from your fat stores.

    I can't really go out running on a morning, got 2 kids. ( not trying to make excuses, but I doubt they would wanna go for a run round the block first thing on a morning) hub goes to work about 6.30am so can't go running before he goes out. . . . could get rid of the stationary bike and get a treadmill though!!
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    extreme dehydration, liposuction, meth addiction (may take a few weeks to kick in), amputation

    I was going to say tapeworm, but that won't top yours. So never mind.

    Maybe the Slimfast or Special K diets plus what ever cardiovascular you have the energy for. If it were only for a week or two, and you have the self controll not to binge afterward.

    Special K!! My friend did that diet, and no wonder she lost a lot of weight.... she could poo through the eye of a needle for about 4 weeks!!! . . . Don't fancy that!
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    I wasn't being sarcastic. Some nurses I know used to do this sometimes to fit into clothes when they had hot dates.

  • dawnalis
    dawnalis Posts: 27
    I am on a weightloss program and when I started to plateau cuz I am getting closer to my goal weight they had me up my protein intake signifacantly, but you will want to add a detox supplement to it as well so that your liver can process the excess proteins better! Obviously you want to pick lean proteins like chicken and fish, I made turkey burgers with only half a bun, extra lean beef burgers no bun, any carbs you add to your meal should be low GI carbs so there isn't excess sugar to spike your blood sugar as insuline is a fat trapper!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    You aren't getting nearly enough protein, or water. Increase both. Start tracking sodium, as I expect it's through the roof. (Go to Settings, Diary Settings). You need to cut back on the cheese - I love cheese as much as anyone, but that much, every day, will be a probably.

    Work out, get your intake in line, and you'll likely drop enough water weight and fat in a couple of weeks to get the dress to fit.

    Edit: And yes, cut out the alcohol completely until then. Tons of empty calories.

    Yup for all above.

    When you drink alcohol and eat, your body will consume those empty calories first (and they are high up there). Once your body had enough empty calories, it don't need those from your food, so it'll store as fat.
  • nemed
    nemed Posts: 8
    How about getting a body wrap? I haven't done one myself but I have a friend that swears by them when she needs an instant slim down for an event!
  • dawnalis
    dawnalis Posts: 27
    and also on another note it is not healthy to stay on a high protein diet for longer than about a week, I lost 2 and a half lbs the first 3 days I went on the higher protein diet! Just be smart about it
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    How about getting a body wrap? I haven't done one myself but I have a friend that swears by them when she needs an instant slim down for an event!

    Body wraps simply dehydrate you - the very second you drink anything, you will gain it back.
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    You aren't getting nearly enough protein, or water. Increase both. Start tracking sodium, as I expect it's through the roof. (Go to Settings, Diary Settings). You need to cut back on the cheese - I love cheese as much as anyone, but that much, every day, will be a probably.

    Work out, get your intake in line, and you'll likely drop enough water weight and fat in a couple of weeks to get the dress to fit.

    Edit: And yes, cut out the alcohol completely until then. Tons of empty calories.

    :*( Fridays Diary was pretty bad!! I am currently experimenting with 'diet' cheese and trying to find a nice one ( I don't think it actually exists)

    I did tons and tons of working out friday, to allow for a night out.

    :( I know I need to cut the weekend alcohol, It's so hard though, I am a brit, and a weekend binger! it's bred into me lol Although for this night out I did stick to vodka and a mixer, not my usual alcopop/ various shots rubbish. quite proud of myself! :-) every little helps right!
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    could always do a juice fast, like the hollywood diet. it works & i usually drop 3-5lbs in those 2 days &/or buy a cleanse from the local pharmacy (cvs has an assortment) & detox yourself... you'll drop weight from water, toxins, & any excess in your colon/intestines, or since you have 2 weeks, buy oxy elite pro- amazing diet pills, they made me not hungry at all & i had energy & wasn't sick, so i was able to still workout & function through the day, just a little on the dehydrated side & i ate minimally because i just simply wasn't hungry. good luck! i know how you feel, needing to drop it quickly for an event! you can jump back on the healthy wagon once your reunion is over! :o)
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    Like someone else mentioned...Running first thing in the morning and believe it or not increasing your water intake. Also, that person who says enema is right. I know someone who had one done last saturday and she lost 7 lbs. Let us know how it works out for you. Good luck!

    I may be desperate to lose a few lb, but no way is someone putting a tube up my bot! ;)
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    I don't like tap water either so I put a splash of juice in it so I can't taste the chlorine. It works.

    I do that too, I still find it hard to drink 8 glasses of it though! I read once about drinking a really small glass of water ( with a touch of juice in) every half hour to get your 8 x 8 fl oz.
  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    Honestly, no alcohol - it really, really slows down your body's ability to burn fat. Also, low carb. And you can do it in a healthy way, as someone above mentioned: lean cuts of meat and fish, lots of green veggies (but don't slather them in butter or sauces), lower fat cheese. It's possible; I know people who did the South Beach diet and lost a good amount of weight in the first 2 weeks, without starving and while eating nutritiously. I think I lost 9 pounds when I did it, years ago.
  • hagamma
    hagamma Posts: 2
    When I've needed to lose it fast (and it's only a quick fix, not permenate.) here's what I do. Have a binge day (1800 calories) but binge on foods that are still healthy, including whole grain items. Then for two days do 1200 calories and stick to fruits and veggies for your carbs, as well as lean protein. Alternate between a "healthy binge" day and a few low calorie days. I also do that with exercie, even varying when I work out. I recommend Pilates, I swear I feel longer and leaner when I use it. If you don't want to buy it, borrow it from the library!

    Also I drink a ton of unsweetened peppermint green tea, it keeps me feeling full! Good luck.
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    healthy choice meals and special k protein drinks, bars, crackers... rreally helping me out ... i've lost more than i've ever been able to before and don't feel like i'm starving myself... though i tend to have trouble getting up to 1000 calories i aimed mine lower lol cuz i suck but try to stay away from red meats your body can't digest them but ya. and drink more water.. i love the protein drinks. they help curb my appetite and i feel full.
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    When I've needed to lose it fast (and it's only a quick fix, not permenate.) here's what I do. Have a binge day (1800 calories) but binge on foods that are still healthy, including whole grain items. Then for two days do 1200 calories and stick to fruits and veggies for your carbs, as well as lean protein. Alternate between a "healthy binge" day and a few low calorie days. I also do that with exercie, even varying when I work out. I recommend Pilates, I swear I feel longer and leaner when I use it. If you don't want to buy it, borrow it from the library!

    Also I drink a ton of unsweetened peppermint green tea, it keeps me feeling full! Good luck.

    ya.. peppermint is a natural way to stave appetite too... eases stomach pains
  • dlrhall
    dlrhall Posts: 5
    Certain Exercises on the Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus not only burn calories, but take inches off as well. Fun AND effective!!
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    Ok thanks everyone for the replies, I will re-read all of this tomorrow and write down your suggestions (baby brain! I'll forget!) I can see where I am going wrong now and why i am not losing any more weight, Actually pretty obvious when you look at my diary lol ! Pity we can't buy a will-power pill eh! x
  • humpalc
    humpalc Posts: 140
    I have to get up at 4:45 to get a workout in and get myself ready for work before I have to get the kids up and ready for the day - sucks, but if it's only for a couple of weeks, you might be able to pull off some AM cardio for a jump-start...