Very angry and disappointed with myself.

chrismisterx Posts: 37
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Very disappointed with myself tonight, I thought I had got out of going to a family meal, So I planned my day as normal and was doing quite well. Then at the last moment all the plans changed and I had to go, no choice.

They didnt know I had started a lifestyle change and made me, the kids and my wife a lovely meal, but damn it was high in calories, in fact the one meal and drinks was over 2000 calories approx ( I tried to work it out best I could ), and that was just the starter and main course, I didnt eat dessert, I told them I was too full and got out of that. I tried to leave some of the other food, but everyone had cleared their plates and I felt as if people where waiting for me to finish mine and since I have no backbone thats what I did :(

you can see "disaster" menu on my food diary, I have had to pull a lot of the numbers from thin air and quess the best I can, as I just dont now the amounts and what was in the food.

I am so so so angry with myself and if I wasnt so sore from the 30 day shred I would be trying to burn some calories before bed!

Anyway, this has opened my eyes and I need to have a long hard chat with my family and explain my goals and targets so this doesnt happen again, I used to be the person who ate the most, never left anything and I dont want to be the human trash can anymore.

I have to learn how to say no and explain things to people and not feel guilty just because I dont want to eat this crappy food anymore, its so hard and everyone else is doing one thing, seems much easier to keep your mouth shut and do the same thing as everyone else.

I Feel like all the hard work the last week is down the drain.

Just wish I had the guts to say no, I couldnt come and not feel quilty about it, not until i had learnt more about my foods and had a chance to explain to people what I am doing, I wish i hadnt let them pour me a glass of wine or not let them talk me into have 2 glasses of wine just because everyone else was. ( the wine was poured without even asking me and I felt bad inside that i didnt want it.

I was so worried about our hosts feelings I have messed my day up and put me on a real downer, I was down anyway due to the pain I am having with the shred and worring about that, this has just made matters worse!

Thanks for reading, just needed somewhere to vent and ramble on abit before bed.


  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    Don't be so hard on yourself, tomorrow is a new day! Just get back up and continue on. You have done great so far!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    ust put the day behind u, and get back on track:smile:
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    It's ok.. don't get too discouraged.. we all have days like this. Tomorrow is a new day, focus on that and stay the course. One meal doesn't undo all your hard work and determination.

    I do think that having a talk with your family about your goals is a good idea. I did the same with my circle of friends a week or so ago when I went out to a happy hour. Yes, I had wine but not as much as I normally did and stayed relatively within my calorie limit. But I wish I could have taken a pic of the look on their faces when a) explained I was late because I had to go to the gym first and b) ordered grilled chicken and steamed veggies instead of the rich pasta dishes we normally order.

    Bottom line is that it's ok. Adjust your food tomorrow as best you can and work out as much as possible. I guarantee you'll feel better and more on track.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Dont stress too much... tomorrow is a new day!!! You logged it all which is great.... and maybe you should tell your family the healthy choices your making now.. they cant hate you or scold you for trying to be a healthier person!
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I'd try to talk to the extended family about what you're doing. Don't be surprised if it all falls on deaf ears. Just do what you can and eat what you are comfortable with when you go there. My family is similar. They might get offended or downright indignant that the food isn't "good enough" for you. Mine did. They eventually got over it. Stay strong and just get back to healthy eating in the morning!
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself, you should however lay it out for your family. They should be supportive and not destructive toward your goals.
    One day won't ruin things, you just didn't lose today. Jump back on the horse tomorrow and make sure you have that talk with the family, it may do everyone well.
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    Some things can't be helped. Don't let it ruin all of your hard work.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    we all have bad days. I originally tried to have others respect my new lifestyle change but soon I realized that expecting them to change was unfair. Now I plan my day around events, eat much less and try not to drink. When they ask I say I've lost 15 pounds and have 20 more to go. The food is delicious and I will try bites of everything but i need to stay on track. My hubby helps me tons also as we will share and keep each other on track.
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    Dude, it's your family. How could they not support you? That said... I know where you come from!

    1st things 1st though... don't be hard on yourself. A cheat day is not going to be the end of you. Beating yourself up over this is only going to further discourage yourself from obtaining your goals.

    I was only two days into my weight loss program when my 5 year anniversary came up. I went to dinner with family and though I did end up eating more than I wanted, everyone was cool with me keeping track of what I was eating... They thought it was good that I was doing this. Four months later nobody even notices my counting but they do notice the weight loss. And now we laugh at how I've lost weight while eating the same type of food I've always ate just less.

    Tomorrow is a new day, just start again and don't let the food you had the day before weigh you down!
  • emaybe
    emaybe Posts: 187 Member
    One day is not a big deal! Chill out and be proud of yourself for other progress so far.

    As for your family -- yep, it's time to have that talk with them. Perhaps your decision to take control of your health will inspire them to do the same. :)
  • Hi,
    I know how you feel. I am so angry with myself too. All the watching of what I am eating and the exercising is not helping me too. I have not lost a single pound in two weeks. It is very frustrating. I love to cook and I love to eat. It’s just not easy anymore to go and eat something at your whim. In a way I guess it’s good that you are mad at yourself. I think you will work hard to lose that extra calories. Hang in there, I’m sure will succeed.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself! Sometimes things happen that you really can't control and you're going to go over. Just realize that that's one day out of seven in a week and keep moving on the next day as best you can. Beating yourself up over it isn't going to help at all!!

    But yes you definitely need to have a serious chat with your family and just let them know that you have to do things differently now and would love it if they would help you out as much as possible!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    One day is not going to kill your progress. Remember it takes 3500 excess calories to add one pound of fat. You may find you have put on a few pounds, but you will find it comes off pretty quick because it is not all fat. For some reason our bodies will generally retain water because of a meal like that. On top of it, it may take a while for the actual food to make its way out of you. Tomorrow is a new day. Back to the diet then.
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    You learned something and plan on changing a behavior. Sometimes failures are the greatest teachers. Better than those repeating the same course of action and expecting something new and magical to happen.
  • I hope that writing down what you were feeling helped you to clear your emotions. Family and friends can be supportive or sometimes they can sabatoge. Telling them what you are doing for you may be the best thing to do. That gives them an opportunity to celebrate your positive choices. In my case, I am waiting for a while to tell my family, they live about 40 miles away. I did not want the extra pressure. I did not tell folks at work, until they started to notice that I was losing, or a couple of folks that kept offering me goodies - those I had to tell.

    Our bodies, our food, our choices have to be for OURELVES first and foremost. The saying, "It is not how many times you fall down, It is how many times that you get UP, that matters!" is very true on this journey. It is not about being perfect everyday, it is not about what others think, IT is about taking care of yourself. Look for encourgement and that means from yourself too. I am sharing with you, but I am speaking to me.. I have to remind myself of these things too! Self talk can build us up or tear us down. Congrats on writing out your feelings... It lost it's power over you, once you shared it with us.

    Best wishes on your journey. Tomorrow is always a new day. Learn from yesterday, prepare for tomorrow and enjoy each new day.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. It happens to everyone. One meal is not going to ruin all of your hardwork. It will be okay. And you recorded it--good job!

    If you really feel you need to do something, you can always increase your workouts for the next few days.
  • Its okay :) we all have our special days we go off our diet :) just jump back the next day :) and keep going! :) always stay positive.
  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    I understand...... it is alot easier to go along and resist being "different", "unappreciative", "draw attention", and sometimes just loose control and have no idea why. <<<<that's me in social situations..... i am still learning how to stand up for my own health and have control of what I put in my mouth around people... whether its family, friends, or strangers.... anything social takes me out of my comfort zone and I don't think right.

    We are all here to learn to be healthy. Don't beat yourself up. I have done this many times. Your body is amazing and can recover quickly. LOTS of water and veggies and protein for the next couple of days and you will start feeling good again.

    Stick with it! Proud of you for logging no matter what.

    You are truly an inspiration! We are only human!

    Much Love
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I would just like to point something out, outside of what everyone is saying (and I agree with). You are a young male, with a starting weight of 222, and you are only allowing yourself 1620 cal/day before exercise? Wow. I mean, I weigh almost 130 lbs, and my cal. intake before exercise is 1460 cal/day. How much weight are you trying to lose/wk?

    The reason I ask is this: for a guy your size, even one that is trying to lose weight, you really probably only ate several hundred cal. over what you needed to eat, even with losing weight. For ex., you are 222 lbs, wanting to go to 150. Even if you're 5' 7", your BMR would be 1569 cal/day. That's the BMR - what you would burn just by staying in bed all day, sleeping. If you get up and walk around, you'll need more. Much more.

    I understand your frustration at yourself, and your family, esp. You seriously need to explain to them that you are doing this for your health, and then stick with your plan. Let them get pissed if you don't eat another meatball. You're a grown man and can decide for yourself if you really want a meatball or not. You don't need to explain or apologize to anyone for your behavior, esp. when your health is concerned. But please make sure your goals are realistic too. You will set yourself up for failure if you aren't eating enough. You can do it!!!
  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    I hope that writing down what you were feeling helped you to clear your emotions. Family and friends can be supportive or sometimes they can sabatoge. Telling them what you are doing for you may be the best thing to do. That gives them an opportunity to celebrate your positive choices. In my case, I am waiting for a while to tell my family, they live about 40 miles away. I did not want the extra pressure. I did not tell folks at work, until they started to notice that I was losing, or a couple of folks that kept offering me goodies - those I had to tell.

    Our bodies, our food, our choices have to be for OURELVES first and foremost. The saying, "It is not how many times you fall down, It is how many times that you get UP, that matters!" is very true on this journey. It is not about being perfect everyday, it is not about what others think, IT is about taking care of yourself. Look for encourgement and that means from yourself too. I am sharing with you, but I am speaking to me.. I have to remind myself of these things too! Self talk can build us up or tear us down. Congrats on writing out your feelings... It lost it's power over you, once you shared it with us.

    Best wishes on your journey. Tomorrow is always a new day. Learn from yesterday, prepare for tomorrow and enjoy each new day.

    "Congrats on writing out your feelings... It lost it's power over you, once you shared it with us" Very wise words! LOVE IT.
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