How do you convince yourself to workout when you don't want

Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
So, I'm on day 11 of my w/o goal: 30 mins a day for 30 days. What a battle I had with myself tonight to get out of it! :devil:

"I'm tired":yawn:
"it's cold":frown:
"it's Friday, I don't work out on Fridays.":huh:
"i had a bad day":angry:
"i worked out all week, I deserve a break":grumble:

What a bunch of lame excuses from that devil on my shoulder. At the very last minute I bargained with myself to get on the treadmill and just do an easy walk...not the full walk/run combo I had planned. 10 minutes in and with some great tunes pumping, I decided to go for it full throttle. I feel amazing! A full 360 of how I felt before I worked out. I'm so glad I did not give in to my temptations of laziness.

It's ironic, I have never, EVER regretted a work out but I have regretted every single work out I talked myself out of. You would think it was the other way around...

By the way, big victory for me. The most days I've ever worked out in a row were 6 and I've almost double that. Hell yeah! :drinker:


  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I just have to remember how good I'm going to feel afterwards. Also, I bought an HRM and it's almost a challenge to see how high a calorie burn I can achieve each time!
  • Larry7995
    Larry7995 Posts: 55
    I feel like the more often I go to the gym, the more of an investment I have made. Over time I feel like I am wasting my invested time and energy if I DON'T go. That's my philosophy anyway :)
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    I ALWAYS have a buddy with me. Misery loves company! :blushing:
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    When I don't feel like it, I do exactly the same thing you did. I start off super slow, I tell myself I'll just do a short walk, but, once I get going, 9 times out of 10 I end up ramping it up and having a great workout. The key is to just start moving end go with the flow.
  • boku70
    boku70 Posts: 80
    I've finally just gotten to telling myself to "just do it already, for crying out loud."

    It's also getting easier to force myself as it's becoming undeniable that it's having an effect.

    @Kao: Which HRM do you use? Any idea as to its accuracy?
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Look at your reasons. That is your inner child speaking. When I hear my inner child like that, it reminds me of my children throwing tantrums and just makes me mad.:mad: I also think of what I call "The Rear View Mirror Principle": Although a nap, or a TV time, or an ice cream consuming tantrum, etc ... may look better in imagination going forward, The reality of the workout is so much better in your rear view mirror.
  • Jentrin03
    Jentrin03 Posts: 49 Member
    I had that same problem yesterday. Got home from work and just did not feel like working out. After a few hours and started feeling horrible about myself and pushed to work out. I felt so great after I was finished :) Its worth it when you discipline yourself! Congrats on not giving into temptation!!!!! Great job :)
  • Jentrin03
    Jentrin03 Posts: 49 Member
    I had that same problem yesterday. Got home from work and just did not feel like working out. After a few hours and started feeling horrible about myself and pushed to work out. I felt so great after I was finished :) Its worth it when you discipline yourself! Congrats on not giving into temptation!!!!! Great job :)
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    I have never, EVER regretted a work out but I have regretted every single work out I talked myself out of.

    I am having the darndest time motivating myself to get exercise. I am going to post this somewhere I can see it. It's the best thing I've seen yet, and so true!! Thanks!
  • Those days are the worst, I've had them too. What I've learned from the workout programs I do is to just give it ten minutes and after that ten minutes if you really aren't feeling it then stop. But usually by then you will be pumped up and ready to ROCK it!

  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    So, I'm on day 11 of my w/o goal: 30 mins a day for 30 days. What a battle I had with myself tonight to get out of it! :devil:

    "I'm tired":yawn:
    "it's cold":frown:
    "it's Friday, I don't work out on Fridays.":huh:
    "i had a bad day":angry:
    "i worked out all week, I deserve a break":grumble:

    What a bunch of lame excuses from that devil on my shoulder. At the very last minute I bargained with myself to get on the treadmill and just do an easy walk...not the full walk/run combo I had planned. 10 minutes in and with some great tunes pumping, I decided to go for it full throttle. I feel amazing! A full 360 of how I felt before I worked out. I'm so glad I did not give in to my temptations of laziness.

    It's ironic, I have never, EVER regretted a work out but I have regretted every single work out I talked myself out of. You would think it was the other way around...

    By the way, big victory for me. The most days I've ever worked out in a row were 6 and I've almost double that. Hell yeah! :drinker:

    "I'm tired":yawn: = it will wake you up.
    "it's cold":frown: = it will heat you up
    "it's Friday, I don't work out on Fridays.":huh: = it's ok to have a rest day but that means you have to work out during the weekend. is it worth it?
    "i had a bad day":angry: = it will help get your frustrations out and you'll feel relaxed and better afterwords.
    "i worked out all week, I deserve a break":grumble: = again a break is fine...but more then one day and you might not get back on the wagon and wreck all the work you've done.

    Just gotta keep it all in perspective. I don't really have a rest day for now. I want to work out because I like the results. I'm proud logging it and knowing I am reaching my weekly goals.

    Just have to find what motivates you and roll with it.
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    A combination of ways depending on my mood -

    some days it's - I'm paying for this gym membership if I don't go I'm wasting money.
    other days it's - You're able to do this, other people are missing _____ and working out isn't even an option for them.
    and then when I am at the gym and I see the "Silver Sneakers" lighting up the track or the cardio machines it's - Don't you want to age like them?!

    And finally - some days I just tell myself to suck it up, be a big girl and get it done. :laugh:
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Thanks everyone, these are all great suggestions!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    :laugh: This thread is awesome. This is EXACTLY what I'm doing right this minute. Puttering around on my computer and trying to talk myself into Shredding. This is my first day of level 2, and instead of being excited I'm dreading... I know! Awful, right? :happy:

    I will do it, though, because I made a pact with myself that I would do the Shred all the way through. (I felt SUPER bad for missing a workout a couple of days ago because of a migraine. I know it wasn't my fault, but I was still irked, you know? I don't intend to miss any more.) Besides, it's only a month. Just 30 days. This is Day 11. Almost halfway there! How could I possibly throw in the towel now?

    There's a couple more things, too... I'm sick of being physically weak. I used to be so strong just naturally, and then thyroid disease took that away. I want it back so bad, and the difference in strength I've noticed so far is so inspiring. Then there's also the curiosity. I'm dying to see how different I look when it's all said and done and exactly what the program is going to end up doing to my body.
  • How do I motivate myself to work out? I look at myself naked in the mirror. The horror from that alone makes me want to jump on a treadmill ASAP! =P
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