I am horrible, need help



  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I think it comes down to making a choice. Do you want to lose weight? Or do you not? If you do, you will find solutions (and there has been a lot of good advice here), and you will follow through.

    Keep in mind that sugar and carbs (cookies and chips) are highly addictive. I cut them out cold turkey. It was hard for 3 weeks, but now I don't crave them. I gradually re-introduced whole grain carbs only, but only eat them sparingly and only with meals - with protein and fat specifically. I do not eat by themselves. (So, I wouldn't eat chips, for example).

    This may sound drastic, but cutting out cravings and addictions is the only way to go for long-term success.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    My response is going to be a bit more agressive and maybe even sound a bit harsh BUT.......IF you REALLY WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT your going to have make a choice! How important is it to you, how badly do you want it? All the gum, tic tacs etc., in the world won't keep you from eating if you haven't made the decision to really take hold of your health and eat right! Your going to have to make the decision on how important this is too you. Everyday I have to make the decision whether to eat healthy or go out and get a pint of Ben & Jerry's icecream which is my favorite and honestly, losing the weight is much more important to me. Sure I have the once a week splurge meal or two but other than that I'm staying within my calories goals and chossing healthy fair. Once you get on track, you can work things into your daily calorie goal like a few cookies or even a dark chocolate hershey bar or whatever else is your down fall and STILL stay within your calorie budget, but bottom line is........Whats really important to you? This is something you will have to figure out and do yourself. I'm sorry, but I'm just being honest. Good Luck!